Feminine and Masculine Energy in the Relationship

Feminine and masculine "energy" are fundamental structures or states that exist in all people, regardless of gender. These states are not tied to biological sex, but are forces that affect our behavior, thoughts, feelings, sexuality, and creativity.

The Feminine


Enjoyment: Food, sex, nature, etc. Devotion, seduction, invitation Open body language, relaxed voice Flow with life, curiosity, openness Sensitive to the states of others Anger as an awakening to maturity Strengths

Energy, light, sensuality Heart anchoring, intuition Chaos as a catalyst for change Playful lightness, enjoyment, sexual wildness Challenges

Demanding sensitivity, stagnation Inward aggression (self-criticism, victim role) Uncontrolled emotions, blind chaos Lack of impact, excessive enjoyment Unfinished projects due to lack of discipline Sexual Expression

Desire to be witnessed and taken Devotion to pleasure and love

The Masculine


Action, decision making, directing Structuring, goal setting, results orientation Targeted body language, commanding voice Focus, irritation over interruptions Strengths

Freedom, purpose, integrity Humor, presence, strength Protection, ability to stay focused Awareness of the darkness and its power Challenges

Dominance, rigidity, one-sidedness Hardness, violent aggression Lack of contact with body and emotions Superficial communication ("bullshit") Sexual Expression

Desire to conquer, take and penetrate Longing to awaken the feminine's desire

It is crucial for both men and women to integrate and master both energies (or states) to achieve inner homeostasis. For women who are very much in the masculine, it may mean developing a feminine practice where they focus on pleasure, sensuality, and "bringing their sexuality home," and making room for vulnerability and emotions. Conversely, women who are very much in the feminine can practice setting boundaries, being proactive, and developing self-discipline and working systematically to achieve their goals.

Source: Conversations with my imaginary daughter, by Mette Miriam Sloth. For a deep dive: Listen to podcast episodes 11 and 12.

Mette Miriam Sloth & Sune Sloth

Mette Miriam Sloth, specializing in relationships and emotional regulation, and Sune Sloth a trained coach with a background in social science, bring a blend of skills to their work at The Magdalene Effect.


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Communication and Feelings in the Relationship