Podcast E40: Soul Descent and New Abilities

In this podcast, we explore the transformative process where the higher consciousness of the soul is gradually integrated into everyday human consciousness. The descent of the soul can feel particularly overwhelming, as it challenges our understanding of ourselves and the world. The process is often accompanied by a range of physical and emotional reactions, including resistance, grief, fear, pain, and even a feeling of dying.

  • We discuss:

    • Changes in consciousness: How the soul's descent affects our perception of the world, our relationships, and our interests.

    • Finding support: How to navigate the spiritual world and find reliable guides who support the individual process.

    • The body's reactions: How the body reacts to the higher frequencies, and how to navigate the physical and emotional symptoms with gentleness and self-love.

    • The soul's gifts: How to recognize and integrate the unique gifts that the soul brings into our lives, including special abilities and "mystical" experiences.

  • Translated transcript of the original Danish podcast

    Hosts: Mette Miriam Sloth & Sune Sloth

    Welcome to the Magalene Effect podcast episode 40. And today we're talking soul descent.


    And would you like to give an introduction to that? You'll probably see more along the way. We can start by saying that we've written a series of articles about it here on our website under

    so if you go to resources, there's a series of articles.


    You can go in and read about it.

    Yeah, yeah, yeah.

    So this podcast follows the content in that.

    Mm. Yes, that's right. Erm. Well, the way I see it, it's kind of what kind of words we should put on it. But if there are any of you out there who have read up on the esoteric or spiritual environment, it's actually my experience that what has been described there is increasingly coming to the point where a large portion of humanity will experience what we call soul descent without necessarily even wanting to put those terms to it. Without necessarily having read anything spiritual or related to spiritual concepts, because it's not so much about understanding it theoretically.

    It's more about what happens. It's a lived experience. It's a lived experience. It's something that happens that is very noticeable in your thought field, in your emotional field, in your physical body. And in what we call the spiritual realm or in the spirit world, which is another body you get connected to, which gives you some other sensations, insights, intuition, change your life basically. And it's not something anyone does to you. You could say the soul, so it sounds like something someone is doing to you. It's something that happens inside you. So I really see it more as part of our evolution as a species, that some people die out with the old. Um, not because they've done something wrong or this is something about the bad people or something like that. It's just the way it is. Um, and the ones that don't die out with the old would go through this in their own way. It's completely inevitable. So, if you've followed me for a long time, even before I met Sune, I've been talking about children for a long time. And because I had kind of nailed the idea that if we get a handle on attachment, we'll probably eradicate some suffering or remove some suffering or overcome, transcend some suffering, and I've actually moved away from that. Sure, we still talk about how we should be with children. But it's actually more about exactly this. Almost everything we talk about is basically about more soul contact in one way or another. Getting in touch with something more of what our cosmic origin or it's like concepts can't cover it,

    because they've also been

    dragged around in the mud, and there's a lot of hopes and aspirations and platitudes on these concepts as well.


    And that's why it's a little bit difficult to approach. But it's actually to say that this is going to be a very large percentage of humanity that wants to avoid this, that they're being penalised or being tapped by larger parts of their self, higher self. Uh, and these are just words, but it will be extremely noticeable. You'll believe me, you'll know it when it happens. And a lot of it comes at first as an immediate crisis. Existential crisis, something akin to depression. You question everything you're standing in, everything you thought you wanted. You don't feel like your relationships are getting weird anymore. So it's not necessarily an easy road.

    It's not. Um the way you could is firstly it's important to say that it's something that happens in doses of our experience.

    Yeah, yeah. It's tempered. It's very very important that it's tempered. And that means that something comes in.


    Um. For some it will be a high point, it will be a spiritual and consciousness-expanding experience. And then afterwards, they'll quickly think about integrating it or figuring out, what was that? But we experience with what we do that it's something that can happen often in doses.

    Yes, in doses.


    depending on how far you've come and your system, your body, your thought field, your emotional field can withstand the vibrations and frequencies of what's coming down. And so it can feel overwhelming, and it can challenge the understanding of ourselves and our world and our relationships.

    Yes, it can.

    And then I would say, well, when it's successfully landed, it's integrated into the everyday consciousness, which then actually starts to become a little bit more elevated in consciousness in everyday life. And since it's a big difference between going and entering the experience through different methods, and here it enters and becomes part of the everyday consciousness that you carry with you. In other words, a changed perspective on other people and what I'm doing here in limited doses, which over time accumulates into a new place to operate from

    and some things that have let go. So there you can't you can't get more soul.

    The two things are deeply connected. You don't get higher frequencies. You don't get greater aspects. More holistic understanding, more peace. Greater ability to see through things, greater clarity. You don't get this. Without old anxieties and fears, something lower vibrating is raised and released.

    That's just the way it is.

    So it's just the way it is. And that's also why in the spiritual world there can be such a you can't think bad thoughts because you have to you have to always be in high. There is nothing wrong. You you you you you you you are born out of fear and fear of survival. It's deeply ingrained in your DNA. So it is just what it is. It's basically about bringing consciousness into this.

    Yeah, yeah, yeah. So that is to say um it can feel very overwhelming uh and it will often be physical symptoms uh and resistance, grief, fear, there can be emotions feeling of dying. Erm

    it can also be momentarily ecstatic,

    and there can also be ecstasy in it,

    clarity, lucidity.

    And we have also experienced that if the process stalls, it can get stuck in a way that can be inappropriate, where it may be necessary to get some help. Er, if you can't get through it yourself.

    It can feel like there's some kind of frequency crossover that makes you feel strange.

    Yeah, that's right. Mm. And generally speaking, we can say that, uh, what is it called? The body will have some reactions to this. When we talk about frequencies, we are well aware that it remains a metaphor. Because when we explain something that happens on different dimensions, we talk about something, we use words that are from the three-dimensional world of in, out, up, down, descent, ascent and so on, but basically it refers to something else. But there is a lack of language for it, and we have experienced many people saying, but I fifth dimension and I something. Well, you are present in all dimensions at the same time, but it may well be that your consciousness is mostly centred around one place. Erm. And that's why we try to avoid, but we're still talking frequencies, and you can't really understand what it is if you haven't actually experienced directly what it feels like to be in a higher state of consciousness. And some of you probably have, because you can experience that through different meditation or other types of peak experiences, so you might have an experience of what it's like, but what is it like to be integrated and be there while you're out in your everyday life or with your kids or whatever you're doing?


    Well, you could say that what comes in is also typically unique to the individual. So the process seems to have some similarities.

    There is a pattern in the process.

    But there are also differences in what comes in and therefore what kind of gifts they receive and what they do with it. And therefore, when we have workshops, we don't go in and assess and say, well, that's that. Well, that's the wrong one. So you may bring different things with you here. Well..,

    coming in.

    Yeah, that's right. And you can't know, um, someone will have experiences with, someone almost seems to do a recap, as if there's a system. It's as if they can recognise these things that happen. It's recognisable to them, but they still have to go through them in the physical body for some. And it's like they've lived lives before where they've gone through these things, so they're more familiar with it. They can easily surrender to it as if they know it even if they can't explain they know it.

    They don't have an everyday awareness of it in a human body around it. At the same time, it's as if it's I know I know kong fu, I can bloody well figure it out. So it's huge

    and it's typically people who have not always, but often it's people who have had a hard time carrying it in human life and this person thinks it's weird. It's as if it's just like that, it's like a fish in water.

    It's like a fish in the water. When we see it, we actually see more light coming down through the energy system. Space is being made for some frequencies because it can be done there is something that needs to be cleared up something that needs to be put in place something that needs to be opened up something that needs to be repaired

    some relational things that need to be put in place and things like that, so we actually see when we work with a frequency that comes into the body and sometimes has difficulty finding space and needs help with

    There is something so

    it's not an abstract thing we're talking about when we simply see how with our senses we can see what's going on in the individual

    yes, this is quite important, it's not metaphor talk


    It's purely that There's an extreme technicality behind it, and it happens. Some frequencies come in, which is a high-voltage line that goes down a small copper wire, and it needs help,

    and it needs an upgrade sometimes, right?

    Yeah, yeah, yeah. And it can look different in many many many ways, but it always, it will always stand out, when I look at it I can always see where, what is that, what is that cluttering there? Why, what, what is it that doesn't fit? What is it hitting?

    Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then I just want to say to those of you who are listening that we link in, you could say, the podcast directly to the articles. And some of the sources that we're inspired by is Barbara Brennan. It's ALICE Bailey, and it's Tashira, Tashiren, ‘what is light body?’ You'll see those sources as well, but we're not leaning on them.

    We're just, there's probably other systems that mention some of this stuff.


    It's just to say that uh we uh we see it in a certain way, and but we also have some we also have others that describe similar processes, you could say, right?

    Yeah, yeah, yeah. Because there is some pattern recognition in it. Er, some universal pattern recognition, which is quite important for the human mind, because then you become a dick. Erm, at the same time as it has a kind of fingerprint uniqueness and in other ways it has what in every experience has something unique in it. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

    Because how the individual being perceives through the senses and what they have with them and things like that unfold. There's no one who can fudge that. That's the beauty of it. So in that way it's magical every time.

    Yes, it is. Anyway, to summarise, it's not that you get enlightened overnight but that it happens in doses. And each dose can be difficult. There can be physical symptoms, psychological symptoms. And it can be intense, it can require patience and persistence. Um,

    and one of the most important things in terms of understanding, there are some people who can be very frustrated because you can't just get enlightened overnight and it's like a punishment of the gods, or it's also just, or I've done something wrong and stuff like that. Believe me, you wouldn't want to be enlightened overnight. You would be roasted on the spot. They saw it, so the fact that it's done in doses is not a punishment. There is no, there is no karma penalty. It's basically that it's to make it extremely loving and gentle because then you will be slaughtered. You will be cooked. You will kill someone or kill yourself if you were flooded with too much light, because you're ready for it.


    Yes. So awakening and transformation of key elements, you could say, where we hit different things when the light comes down through.


    And that's a lot of the work that we're doing, is actually helping it come down through and getting it get it all the way down through the system.

    Yeah. And that's where you'll typically start to develop your energy sense, where you can feel it working in different places. And that's very typical. It's not that you need to know about the chakra system. You don't,

    But you will very typically feel that mess around in the same places where you can say these systems have kind of pinpointed that things are going on.

    It can be in the head, it can be in the throat, it can be in the chest, it can be biological physical heart, it can be in the exact

    Solar plexus in the abdomen, down, abdominal area down between the diaphragm or down in the root chakra.

    And that's where we see that the energy comes all the way down through. And when it lands, a bit of transformation has taken place. And maybe not many people are going to do this right now, because it's something that we might disagree on. I think there are a few who will do it first, but what we find is that it paves the way for others to have done it. So when we sit in a group and one person gets something through, then someone else gets something

    get something else through. There are some lonelinesses, and then there's something where they express their differences in it. It's an exciting process. Shall we try to get into some of the physical symptoms you can experience?

    And that Or

    Yes, and I want to Yes, I want to So there's actually it's actually,

    if any of this resonates with you, then there's and and there's some of this stuff that's kind of funny, because if this stuff resonates with people, then they will typically have turned to the alternative environment at some point. And it's great that it can also be supportive, it can be anything. But in that package, there will typically also be some uh in there you'll typically also start looking at, but I'll also you know stay away from pesticides. I have to, you know, there's something about maybe I shouldn't eat gluten and that. And that's also quite nice. And that and that and that can all help you. But there's something here where we can also get stuck. So my biggest conviction about why we have so many digestive problems that I myself had for a while, you know, it was milk and gluten and various pesticides and stuff like that. And yes, all that stuff about our mass production of food and stuff like that, there's something in it. But the deeper reason why there are so many digestive problems is because we as humans, we as we as we as we as a unit or as a species are being pinged, we are being called upon to change. And that means we have had our headquarters primarily in the solar plexus.


    And it's about to be transferred to the heart chakra as the headquarters, because that's where the soul lives. That's where the soul speaks and then distributes the energy further. So going from the solar plexus and actually shifting your main focus, the whole centre of gravity in relation to where you operate from as a human being, is a huge transformation. It also means that your solar plexus has to be raised up. That is, going and being primarily survival-based, it means you have to digest suffering in a different way. You need to be able to take in more light.

    I guess that also applies to clutter.

    Yes, it definitely applies to clutter as well.

    I just think,

    but a lot of people experience problems in it like you're the plexus. You get pinged first there before you move on and feel has messed up for the vast majority.

    Anyway, it's important we just say that if you have severe symptoms, you should of course seek medical attention in no way contradict medical treatment.

    Absolutely not.

    Erm, so

    you can just risk feeling really strange

    and not really being able to find an explanation or getting a lot of time in trying to diagnose. not

    and finally being supported finally getting everything checked up too.

    Yeah. And we're not against using medication either. So there's

    it's just to say seek medical help if you have severe symptoms. So what we're talking about here

    is not medically researched, but it's how we experience it and then you have to take it as it is.

    But some of the things we've experienced are indigestion when it's running. And we have also experienced thin stomach, hard stomach and vomiting. Someone who burps a lot, someone who gets constipated.


    Where there are no other causes, we have seen that it has eased when it lands.

    Yeah, yeah.

    Er, and that applies to all the things we're talking about. Heart palpitations. You can get scared of getting something with your heart. And then we can see that when it lands, it doesn't hurt any more.


    We've experienced a lot of pain in the body, especially in the doctor, but it can also be the shoulders and neck. It can be many places where something is locked.

    A lot of energy build-up and there is a physical pain in one place.

    Mental confusion, racing thoughts. Um, and the reason why we might do this is because maybe it can give you some peace of mind and know that if you


    at least either facilitate it yourself, know someone who can or get help from us, that you know like this: ‘Well okay, that was just that, and now it's gone again.’


    Um, then I don't have to go off track here if it's that it lands again.

    And then there's this feeling of losing something of yourself, parts of yourself. So there's something dying inside you.


    Um. And if you find it difficult to reach a higher state of consciousness, to allow that to happen. Then you can be in a place where that thing dies, you don't know what will take its place. And that can be a very difficult place to stand.

    Yes, it can be. Erm.

    Yes, yes, yes.

    Mm-hm. But a lot of these things are completely cut out in our articles, so please read them. So it's probably interesting for me to also talk about what's beyond the article.

    Yes, but I think it's important to include that. There are some people who only listen to the podcast. There are many who really do.

    Um, that we go over this, and then we can then read on, right?

    Yes, you can.

    Not everyone has the time and energy to sit and read a lot on a screen. So I think we should


    get the most important things, right? What would you like to do? Well, it's certainly important that it's an individual process in many ways, right?

    Yes, it is. So, it's also important, so it's a bit of a paradox, because you really need to seek help and sparring, and at the same time you may be in doubt about where to find help and sparring. Because there will also be someone who, if I share this, won't be seen and met. It's as if it's like a force flower that comes and then the night frost is not over. So there's something of that thing that's so delicate and fragile, a wrong word, but delicate, which is something about being born in you.


    Um. And it could, for example, let's say you're actually in the middle of an enormously beautiful soul descent,

    which gives you thoughts and maybe also makes you oscillate between feeling worthless and feeling divine, so if you go to a psychiatrist, well, that right there you can almost be diagnosed as bipolar, which you're not. So there's something to it when you're standing right here, that if you get sparring for someone who sees something beautiful as something ugly, and it can also be something else where you need a lot of help, and then you go to a healer, and then you have power in the fourth stage, and then it's just something, right? So it's just to say, it's also good that way round. So you want to, you're in a place where like, how do I find the right support here? Yeah, yeah, yeah.

    And I would definitely recommend that if this resonates with you that you find someone who can see the energy,


    who you feel respects you, who you feel is a sparring partner rather than someone who has to be I have answered, this is the way.

    Yes, this is the way.

    So if there's any of that kind of worship, then I might actually try to find someone else.

    Yeah, yeah, yeah. So I think it's important that the person you're dealing with here. Not definitively say what the answers are for you, but well, there may well be some suggestions, but yes,

    it's important. Um, it's hard to integrate when someone else comes up with the answers. You have to feel it from the inside, what the meaning of it is.

    So there's something about being able to live from a place where the answers come

    from within, but you're still open to inspiration from outside.

    Yeah, that's the thing.

    When you're in a vulnerable place. And you can go to a lot of therapists and get a lot of answers. Yes, because it's in you to get more soul, whatever that means in practical terms,


    It's that

    you become your own best counsellor.

    Yes, that's right.

    You become a guide for yourself, where you constantly practice contacting, so that you get answers to these questions does not mean that you can't get answers, but you actually seek fewer answers horizontally, that is, among other people in relation to your own path. You go up and get the answer and live the answer.


    So there is a big change here. And that's why we're also going to see over the next 50 years a lot of this kind of counselling, including what you do, a lot of this will become redundant

    At some point, sitting and counselling people about spiritual religion and things like that will become redundant because you're connected to the inner world, right?



    Yes. That's also why, when we talk about soul types and that kind of thing, well, it's guiding as inspiration, but we rarely go. It may well be that we go in and learn, but we sense some origin here. But the most important thing is that we don't impose ourselves on others. The old fashioned way of doing clairvoyance and readings is, well you have an island you have this uh what is it called? Incarnation from Egypt where something happened.


    I tried it myself. I couldn't integrate it for shit. The first thing I remember is that something comes in, and I can see what was the meaning of it, I get it in and instead find guidance to go into what was the meaning of it, where is the weight in it, what needs to be transformed, and what comes out of it in this life. It is

    only then does it have any real meaning. Yes, it does.

    And that's also why we can do readings, but we are cautious about it.


    Because we don't want to override your own experience of what is true and meaningful to you.

    Yes, I actually also find that when I go in and work, I bypass so that I can go in and work with something so much in depth, I bypass the layer that creates imaging.

    So I go I go higher than clairoyance, because I would actually rather

    just like that, because you don't need me to sit there and say something that you didn't realise might sound mysterious or cool or a bit over the top, because if you're not there yet or you don't know what you need it for, it can just, it can actually disturb you. I've experienced several people who have been disturbed by a clairvoyance that throws them into a rut of why can't I integrate it myself, or what does it mean, or why is it like that, so I've also experienced people who have used it as a concrete tool, but I've also really experienced people that it has knocked them off course,

    because if it's not an inner experience, it can be extremely beautiful to be mirrored in something. So sometimes something comes in that I'm guided to say out loud. And I can see that it's as if the person has sensed it themselves. So the fact that it's being mirrored and another person is also seeing it, it can have a completely magical effect, because there is some validation of your experience. Um, so there's something here about when is information useful? And there's also something about how we can't always know on a person's behalf whether it will be useful later. So it's more about having a cautious eye, a cautious look at this.

    Yes, that's right.

    Both for the person seeking help and for those of us who give it. Yes, should we look, should we look at the things that can happen in the body? Or you can have such a focus on the divine or on guides or on why the hell am I doing this? Oh, I didn't ask for that.

    It can feel like a war between your personality and your soul.

    Yeah, yeah, yeah.

    So at some point you will go through that experience because it feels like your personality and your personal will and your personal needs and your It can feel like at some point you have to give up a lot and surrender to something you don't know what the f*** it is so you can experience many forms of resistance

    it can be terrifyingly uncomfortable and you can feel like you're being pushed through, being forced through

    And yes, it's just important to remember that there is a big picture here, and that's the way we see it, is that the human transformation towards more consciousness from being more of an abstract being to having more consciousness is a process that happens a bit like champagne glasses. A few people take the first steps, and then it kind of spreads out to others.


    So those of you who are the first, this will be harder than those who come later.

    M. Well, yeah.

    Um. And it's a deep transformation to live in survival in that uh that the sexual or that I want someone or want to have children and stuff that it's still there, but it has a different meaning. It has a deeper meaning in relationships.


    In what you do. Um. And it doesn't mean that you have to be in relationships, that you can't go it alone. You can easily do that.

    For some, it's the calling of the soul. Or to say, no, you don't have to, and that can be a relief, because no, you don't have to spend time on relationships. Some people have spent an insane amount of effort to get those relationships to succeed.


    And then you realise, no, you don't have to.

    But we've talked about these unpleasant symptoms that can occur. Well, for me, it was at one point when something came in that needed to be integrated, and I kept cleaning up. It took me two or three days, and I thought I had stomach poisoning.


    And I was in and out. I It wasn't right The pain didn't start in relation to the food I had eaten. Started like 20 minutes after I ate. And it takes longer to get stomach poisoning.

    And that was the worst, I had barrel shit for two days. I was pacing back and forth until it didn't land.


    We have clients who burp all the time. We have some who vomit when it comes.


    Um. And some who fart a lot.


    And then it smells horrible and then it subsides when it lands.


    So the way you can sort of say, these are things that can happen, right?

    Yeah, yeah. And you can feel like you're feeling energised. So you feel like your body has gained a lot of kilos, and maybe it's also more bloated, but you feel something like, okay, I feel like it's like four trouser sizes I've put on, and it's also you can easily fit into your trousers.

    Sometimes you can't fit into your trousers, but it's never equivalent to how much you feel you've become.

    But it's crazy how we've seen our bodies inflate and become huge in half a day and then land again.

    It's amazing.

    Twenty-four hours later, experienced many times. Um, and when it lands, it's really hard to be in. Erm,

    so also be a bit gentle with yourself if you're used to doing a lot of exercise and you haven't really, and you're in this situation and you feel like you're about to throw up just at the thought of moving your body very much. It's like this, it's like at some point, I think there's a pattern at some point too, like there's something about, you have an experience or something happens that activates this, that you start pulling out of yourself or a crisis that makes you stimulated to do something new in your life or investigate something new or whatever it may be and then you put a lot of energy into it but you don't have such an energetic experience of such profoundness for a long time then at some point you start to experience it again more frequently these changes and then it increases as if it starts to be extremely frequent


    um and that period if you're in if you can if it can if it can resonate what we're talking about here and you've experienced that you've been in it for a long time with many mysterious things going on and you've been to the doctor and everything and there's not really anyone who can tell what's going on you know you've experienced an insane amount of mysterious things without there having been no decidedly logical, purely medical explanation for it and maybe you've been in this for years and feel you've been you know you know closest maybe two marriages later and three sick children and so what you've been like shut the f****** up so please be nice to your body and don't whip it into thinking that now it's lazy and doesn't want to go for a run, because you're used to running halmar or something.

    Yeah, that goes for food, right? A huge Iron Man to put your body through this. It's so hard.

    It's okay to want to eat wine gums and drink some red wine and smoke a cigarette or whatever the hell you feel like. And

    if you need fries and McDonald's, go for it. Don't go on some diet regime.

    Erm. There's something here. Salt, fat, sugar. Sometimes it is. Sometimes that's it. Sometimes it is.

    So you can get worried about it now and what happens then? But if you're in this process, it'll go away again.

    Yes, that's true.

    And there may well be other reasons why you want to do those things. There may be unresolved things. There could be anything, and you could be in a loop with something. But if it's a frequency drop in your soul, you may well have a momentary desire to eat some special things.

    I've also experienced that something wildly energetic happens when your consciousness takes a jump. It hits both the emotional body and the mental body and the physical body. And that's why and I think that would also be a pattern.


    I've experienced that sometimes I get an appetite like I don't realise how much food I'm constantly hungry. Um, and you can do that because I've previously had difficulty with hunger control many, many years ago. So the first time it happened, I was so worried it was something old popping up and I had a little too much control over it, but it's like when I was raped for two or three days, something completely crazy energetic happened


    and then it slipped through.

    It could also be that you're a vegetarian and you get a violent desire for meat and then

    Yes, because you need it to get through this

    Yes, so there's something about being a little gentle here

    Yes Um. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And it's perhaps the fact that there's a bodily process in it, which is perhaps the most important thing to say here. But there are also the things that come up emotionally. There are also the mental structures that are affected in beliefs, ideas that are challenged.


    Yes, it can happen all of a sudden, when you let's say when your emotional body, the emotional body, is cleaned up when it's put in there, then you can, well, you can have a period where you think you're becoming borderline mentally ill or something, right. That's one part. And that means you have to take care of it. You have to you have to you have to you have to you are forced to because it all started there so high wave that you are forced to relate to your own feeling your own felt inner emotional life in a way that you have never done in such a large string.


    Once you've kind of nailed it and kind of got through that trajectory, you have to relate to other people's emotions. Because this process makes you more sensitive. You become far more sensitive to the people you're with, because it cracks you fully f****** blown open. So that is, you actually start to notice how people feel around you. And you start to realise, to your horror, that some relationships you thought were okay are actually not okay, that you all imagined that things were going really well. But there are all sorts of things going on that aren't being said out loud. Maybe there's an opportunity to take that relationship to the next level and actually start saying some of these things out loud, but sometimes it's not possible. Will it provoke a lot of people? Um. Or it will change is scary. So it's also a, it's also a hassle,

    it's also a side effect of it. There's a side effect that others don't understand what's happening, and you're working hard and you might have a job or something.


    Or whatever you're burdened with.


    And then you have this on top of it.

    Yeah, yeah, yeah.

    And you may not be very keen on social activities, which you may have had before. And then you're in that situation, you have to try to explain it.

    Yeah, yeah, yeah.

    And if you say, well, I just need to be myself, it might be a problem. The other thing is that other people get hurt that you don't want to participate in X, Y and Z because you can feel that it fills you up so much.


    That you need to clean it out or you feel weighed down by it and greasy in it.

    Yes, that's right.

    However, we can say that you can work your way so that you don't take it in. But that

    that's just an intermediate phase where you take in a lot.

    So you want someone you want

    where you're just open before you get enough light to be able to resist and go into it.

    There will be a part of the journey that is very lonely. And it's inevitable.

    I mean, it's simply unavoidable. It's kind of built into this.

    Yeah, it is.

    Er, it is. But the main idea here is that old diets and exercise regimes, and I can't eat it, I can eat it and stuff like that. Don't eat arsenic or something you don't want to share, but if you get a craving for something that you've previously abstained from, or

    well, you've got a pretty good handle on your hunger control overall. And you don't always eat sugar. You've got it all together.

    now you've got it under control, and then it goes completely crazy in this, right?

    Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then you're like a bit f***, why have you turned it upside down? So if you've found your way of manoeuvring it or something like that to control it, that you can just go into the tank, you've got a pretty good handle on that, then you'll probably find that there will be some cravings that you'll be a little worried about at first, but as you experience, okay, I'll do it, but it'll land again. M

    So finally, finally, finally listen to your body here, because it may well need something that you didn't think it needed. And it's also possible that you've loved doing yoga so much. All of a sudden, you just don't want to do f****** yoga anymore. It could also be some things you've learnt that just make you want to throw up.

    I've gone from 10 years of hair strength training to not being able to do that, so it's swimming, it's calm movements and a bit of yoga and things like that.

    Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

    And sometimes I'm so tired, so I haven't been able to establish the exercise routine that I had before, which frustrated me. But I've had to live with it.

    I've had to live with it.

    Because it's been so overwhelming to go through. Erm.

    You also experience things coming up, as muscles experience especially when I'm doing exercise, that things come up. So what's locked in the muscles comes up, and then you have to work with it. Mm.

    And then

    So you didn't get the benefit of the pleasure of serotonin release and things like that from sport, did you? I didn't get the same out of it as I did before.

    And then at the same time, going to the gym with a whole bunch of people going and assessing each other and being part of that field is also too exhausting.

    Yeah, it was. Did you start to feel that?

    Um, like I might have participated to some extent, and then suddenly I couldn't stand it.


    Um. And be a part of it. Erm. So there's something about finding out that there's a transitional phase here with an increased sensitivity, and then there's something about being unable to get along with other people at all. Yes, you can get to a place where you can stand with other people, but you'll find that many of the forms of exchange that are, uh, it can be a kind of people say now I'm in blame mode on something, and then we sit and share that something is stupid. Or it could also be that I've found that we share what's difficult together, and then we sit and exchange, but it doesn't really lead anywhere. So no one really knows what to do with what's difficult or

    So it can also be a way of being together that you get really, really tired of. You may also have someone with narcissistic traits who tries to push everything into you, and you have to take responsibility and walk on eggshells around them. You'll probably find yourself distancing yourself from them a bit more, because they'll be

    extremely insistent that you have to take things in and

    walk around their feelings without them being triggered.

    Yeah, yeah, yeah. You have to be as you usually are, so that if you suddenly become less up or less available because you're basically looking at what's happening inside you right now,

    then you're going to fall down, right?

    Yeah, yeah, yeah. And that would be what I've been doing at work, it's just declaring myself an introvert,

    even though I'm not really. M

    erm but and then in advance in a new department, so just prepare it so that I don't come to the Christmas party. And it's not that I don't enjoy it, but I don't enjoy it with them.

    I don't.

    It doesn't give me anything.

    No, it doesn't.

    And I don't want to be personal and open up to them, because then I get an exchange about emotional things. I don't want to sit and complain with them either, and I don't like that way of being together either. And professional talk, we have that in everyday life, so why should I also talk about it outside of working hours? M

    so I really just declared that I'm an introvert, and I want to see my family, and it's true that I prioritise


    Um, and then I've taken the social hit that they think it's a bit strange and don't like social things. And it costs something, but

    it's easier to make an announcement. Um, and then and then they actually see you, so they don't bother to visit very much and um with my family, even though we have companies on the side, so a lot of work, and there are also children and stuff like that, so they have like well, he doesn't come very often.


    But it's just that not all groups accept it. Some people get angry. What you experienced and they exclude you if you don't turn up for what you're supposed to.


    And you probably won't want to have much to do with that type of group either, because the compulsion in the group, the social pressure, is extremely unpleasant to be a part of if you turn up anyway and you don't feel that you have to.

    Yeah, it's a funny thing. Yes, it's a strange place, because the more you're here, you realise that there's nothing personal about your choice to opt out of social settings. I mean, there may be some behaviours in some people that you more or less have something you like more or less, but it's not actually here. It's not something like, I don't want to be with, and I'm above, I don't bother, I don't, well, it's not personal.

    But it can make you think it is.

    But very often you can get the projection that that's what it's about, that people take it personally. But it's actually not.

    You can actually have a love for some of these people anyway,

    but you can't stand it, you can't stand what it carries.



    No, you can't. And that's because you don't necessarily have the desire to describe what's happening inside you because you're actually trying to figure it out yourself. And that's not exactly what you want to share. And therefore it can be easier in a period that you don't know how long it is to keep yourself, so it's more like corona self-isolation.

    Yeah, yeah, yeah.

    Which just feels more right for you. At the same time, it can also feel lonely. And there can be a wound of feeling that you can't reach out and explain.



    But then there will be a level of if you try to make it understandable, the other person won't understand what you're talking about and will attribute it to there being something wrong with you or there must be something and you're also having a hard time and stuff like that.

    Yes. Or there's something wrong with the person, and so you come up with something you can

    Or you think there's something wrong with them and then they get really upset and so on and so on and so on and so on, that's unfortunately part of it. Um...

    It's something about making it as smooth as possible so that there are the least possible projections on it but it can't be avoided because you might start to shy away from certain relationships and thanks to landing more in, then you might feel more attracted to other relationships.


    And that will be extremely difficult for others to understand. Um. Without reading everything into it. Um.

    Yeah, yeah, yeah. So we've also seen this feeling of wanting to die, when we've talked about it, because finding out that there are also others who have a feeling that they either want to die or leave here or

    Yeah, yeah, yeah.

    Or just a feeling that I'm dying now. Um. I can also hear from men like some of the ones I follow that when they have had some experiences where frequency has come in and they don't know what to do, they think they are dying or there is something about to be electrocuted by something or something or something like that not exactly

    um and that's what distinguishes what we talk about with many of the men that I find exciting and it includes some researchers professor from Stanford and some others who have had some experiences or this is they they have changed their point of view they talk to others so they know there can be some experiences and they are very real for the person therefore you have to take it seriously

    mm But they also don't really know what to do with it. And so they might try to seek it out, it won't happen again. Um, what we're talking about is actually that something comes in. It feels weird, and you start to sort it out, and then you land in a new place. M

    umm, so instead of it being something that you're carrying around and having had some experience in ‘88, something cosmic, it actually comes in and lands again and again and again and again and again in relation to your own journey, what you're doing.

    That's right.

    And here it's actually also something that some of the time that seems to be a bit of a pattern, recognise a pattern. that some of the early experiences you have of spiritual cosmic experiences, that they can be very kind of

    figurative big. You you can follow you meet a being or a guide or you see something you know symbols or it can be like that, it's like you get full kapo, right?


    Later on, it's as if because at some point you go higher than imaging. So you feel that when we're talking about these frequencies, it feels like you're just being roasted, you sometimes feel like you're being exposed to radiation. It's like something weird comes in and the radiation and the skulls split open and your bladder gets weird you see light above your head you can't sleep because there's light you feel like you've taken too many drugs and eat a lot of sugar or something

    or caffeine

    so you don't get that like you know some beautiful angel there and stuff like that in front of you and stuff like that not like that it it it like it fades away a bit

    And then you get something in you have no idea what it is then it gets helpfully integrated then it finds out that your day consciousness or you experience yourself differently you can carry yourself differently or you have some I know kong fu. You can do something weird you not only

    then you get something in and then you actually get some uh

    some custom inspiration special set of skills

    For those who are interested in the Stanford professor, his name is Gary Nolan, you can search on YouTube. So there we have Professor Kripal and I can give you some links to that, but that was this death process and it's not

    uh that's not what's a bit funny it's often in the literature well then there's ego death and then they've kind of stated it's nonsense so this is in bits and pieces and again and again depending on how far you have to go and what you have to


    and it's not certain that you as a listener have to go through everything we've gone through. It's possible that was our path.


    So that's why

    I like that sometimes a bit violent not to

    Um But if you're suicidal it just need to say then you should seek proper help. It it it it goes without saying not. M

    And now we're getting a bit to special abilities mystical experiences. I think maybe we should cover that a bit. M

    ooh and ooh and ooh we actually experience we actually experience often before why don't I get guide contact or why isn't near-death experience and stuff like that. It becomes one of those things you have to have.


    But I think we have to say that for those who have these experiences, it can be quite violent, and sometimes the fear can be overwhelming until it lands.

    Yeah, yeah.

    So it's not something like if if if if if you can't cope, there's such a hitchhiker effect, as they call it in the UP world, that you hear about something and then suddenly it triggers something. So now the next thing we want to talk about, so if you do not risk that this can open up some things,

    well, switch it off if you can't handle it.

    If you don't like uh strange mystical phenomena, let's try to get a little bit around what you can get. So not everyone has weird experiences, but we also experience people who open up, who don't have it, and who really just experience being able to stand more in their heart and have experienced deeper love, deeper longing for connection, joy in being close to their children. So it's not that you're wrong if you don't have those experiences.

    It's not. Again, it's not like there's a slavish path and you have to see UFOs or meet some angel or something. It's not like that.

    You don't have to. But you can have a longing for it, and some of us have a longing to find out what's there, and they Yes, exactly. I have full contact in all dimensions. But I also have to say that it actually requires some kind of training and adaptation to be able to use it. For example, if you have remote viewing capabilities, old word, new word for clairoyance, right? M

    uh, if you suddenly realise that you have these abilities, and you go to the cemetery, and there are creatures and contacts, and you have to figure out what to do with it. So it's not necessarily that you want to do that.

    The more you can see, the more your responsibility says. So sometimes sometimes it's just really really important

    to know. And the more responsibility also means the more you have to take responsibility for in your own field.

    Yeah, yeah, yeah.

    And it's not small things

    that. But the important point is that when you have those experiences, you really know. Even though others will say: ‘Well, maybe you were dreaming, or maybe it was just that you had also taken iOS or meditated something. You come back from that, you know it was real and it was meaningful what came. M

    and that and you You have to deal with it because it doesn't fit in your way of understanding the world.

    It doesn't. And it's important that you are the one who knows it. It has happened in you and you know it.


    Others so you don't even have to explain yourself to other people, because other people don't have to confirm it to you. And that can be a bit difficult because you actually start to realise that the subjective world inside you is also real.

    There's something real and there's something that is something else

    that goes beyond what people talk about.


    And you can talk your experiences to death and have people have all kinds of opinions about what it was like when you had a kundalini journey when it was the fifth dimension. I think you're talking or you're psychotic and you have a mental illness and we should say if you have a psychosis or you have something else then of course you should seek cigarettes for

    Of course

    um, but there's also to say that there are also things that are real in our experience that are

    beyond the standard human perception


    and we have to get into that now, so be warned

    gracer impact

    So some of the things you can experience can be precoc mission, which is the ability to sometimes recognise things before they happen.

    Yeah, yeah.

    Um. And there may be something you can get better at and something you can train in. Erm, it can also be in dreams. Um, but it can also sometimes be that you see things and then it doesn't come to life. So there's something about getting really good at pretence in precognition and whatnot,

    and also seeing it as we don't live in a so

    it's not predefined.

    It's not predefined. We're talking about variables where anything can happen. That is, there are people around who can make things up in the meantime

    so we can get things in that are often right, but sometimes there are so many variables and sometimes we get it wrong and we test each other on it.

    Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

    Erm. So and that's also something that requires a high ethical standard.

    Very high.


    So it's not something to play with for fun.

    No, it's not. Erm. And we don't have to bet money on getting into something with something

    with a lot and stuff like that.

    Even though it's very tempting, right?

    But but but but for us it's been about that, yes. So it's more that you get something that might be more likely to happen than something else.

    Yeah, yeah, yeah. Where you are best at harnessing it is within your own life and within your nearest and dearest where you know the most, where you have had the most your energy sense embraces many of the aspects so they can be put into play.

    So you have to be a little careful both for yourself but also for others, because this is going to die soon and then you'll be sitting with something or other with tarot cards. Well, we've realised that our surroundings are actually dying very soon. We're waiting to see if it's going to happen.

    Mm. We don't actually know.

    So we take more of an open position, a bit like it's a hypothesis. Erm,

    we'll see what happens.

    Yes, we'll see. So it's more like, okay, why is this coming in? Is there something, do we have a responsibility here? Is there any karma we need to check? Do we have to do something? Should we be there for the person?

    Why do we need to be there? That's actually more what's interesting. Is there some clean-up? Is there something? Is there some responsibility that we've been blind to in terms of what someone is coming in from?

    Yes, there is. And what I get in response to that is that I need to spend a little more time with that person in the coming time.

    Yes, that's right.

    So and that's the reason I got to get that in, right?

    Exactly. So it's also to say more to take responsibility for these things. So it's not just a joker's boat. So that thing about why does it come in? Well, you get information because you need to do something with it for the greater good. So it's not for your own amusement

    or because you're special or something. So watch out for those traps.

    And watch the energy light. Um. It can come and go. Some don't see it at all and some don't experience it visually.

    But you can also experience that if you put your hands up to a blue sky, you might see an edge of light. Around that sudden edge.

    If you put your fingers opposite each other, you might see energy in between, travelling back and forth like plasma.

    You can see it around trees, both close to leaves, but also in layers

    around animals and things like that.

    Not everyone has it, but for those who do, we just go through some things that we've experienced and that we've also experienced some of our clients and others have had that are not unknown.

    Here, there may be a little something that may be a little strange for you. If you have a bit of angel dust with you, if you have a lot of angelic frequencies with you, it won't actually be particularly easy for you to conceptualise the animal and plant kingdoms. Yes, as a physical thing, but you can't do the energy in it. But you can go very high up, so your energy vision is different. You might think, why can't I see anything? I can't understand it. It's because energy vision works differently. M

    so the higher frequencies you have as thumb flakes, the higher frequencies you have with you of cosmic origin, with you packed into your field, to be unpacked, the harder it is for you to get down to the substance matter. That is, to see the energy structure of the mineral kingdom and the plant kingdom.

    Yeah, yeah. And that was just to say that the physical vision is not necessarily switched on. It feels like something that you see or experience to perceive in some way with your senses, but it's actually not. M

    oh but yes, there is also physical sometimes I can see physical things, especially under certain circumstances. Erm

    but other times I sense it with my own field. So my own energy field is a sensory apparatus. And now we're into this exchange with others. Because if your sensory apparatus is also a communication channel

    when you reach out to others and feel them, and then you start sending something the other way, and there starts to be an exchange. That's where we have the social challenge here.

    And that's also why that's where you find out your energy sense or your way of reading energy or interpreting energy. There are some patterns. There are some patterns. But you find your own way of doing it, or it unfolds.

    Yes, you do. And that's also why we don't teach the energy sense.

    We explore it with you in terms of what senses open up spontaneously when we work. It's one thing to be able to perceive it. Another thing is to be able to actively move. To make a change.

    And that in itself is also a thing that requires some guidance and connection.

    Something that I have experienced, and that others have also experienced, is that if you look up at a very clear blue sky, you will be able to see white dots or almost white dots that appear and disappear again.

    Um, I don't know if it's Prana or what the heck it is. Barbara Brandon also describes it, that I've met others, two others who can see the same phenomenon. And I've been curious about what it is,

    that it's something inside the eye, but they see it too. M

    Yeah, yeah.

    Um, you can see that too. Um, it's a very physical experience.

    M Yes. And then there's your inner energy vision. So you have the outer, where you can see energy around things that someone can. And then there's somebody who has an extreme uh

    where you have

    elaborate inner energy vision that you can actually see in. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Some see colours, some see right into the

    the energy structures of a phenomenon.


    Not necessarily a physical thing, but in an exchange in an energy field.

    Exactly. Um. Yes, so you can get an expanded intuition about other people's intentions and suddenly have an experience of a person you thought you knew has some hidden intentions with what they do. That you can suddenly be very surprised and shocked that when you start poking around

    and find out God they are messing with you and are up to all sorts of things.


    Um. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Remote viewing as a phenomenon covers in reality as old is basically being able to reach beyond the five senses.

    Mm. Um, and across time and space get information that has a certain probability of being true.


    It's basically the ability to sense something beyond the senses, the usual senses.


    Um, and that can include hearing. So you hear tones or sounds, sight suddenly you close your eyes and see geometric shapes. It could be symbols.

    It can be that it can happen in many ways where it is extrapolated into. On that sense. It's about your body sensation and things like that.

    So it will be very individual. And as I said, we have yet to find out if it's something we will one day do some kind of training in. We we

    we are not of the opinion that everyone can or should do this. So you don't get something that everyone can learn. And so it's a very overwhelming thing to get into and deal with

    a lot. So you and you it's not that and it's also not something that should be activated until you have a pretty good handle on your emotional body and your mental body because you can get so much off course if you abuse it. So there are some some some some ethics in it too.

    Yes, there are. Then you can experience that other people live on regardless and your inner self keeps popping up and it can be these energy connections. It could also be

    that some of what you're walking around with is other people's, uh, can you say consciousness energy that has settled so think it's n then work with it then it starts to pop up oh god it was something I took in for my mum that or


    It's something I've taken with me, especially if you have a person with strong narcissistic traits who wants you to take in something of their own that they don't want to carry themselves. M. Mm.

    Then you go and get more filled up with this feeling that there's something you should do differently and do wrong and stuff like that.


    Mm. Because that was the other person's wish for you, and you came to take it in, if you are a person who is very good at taking things in and taking responsibility for your own inner self, then you will be filled up with that.


    And we've experienced that ourselves, but we've also experienced other clients that we need to work quite intensely to clean it out, but it can come calm and distance.

    Yes. Yes, it can.

    Over time.

    Erm. And there's no such thing as Distance is not necessarily a barrier here.

    It isn't.

    So it's if you have people who have strong anger or frustration or grief towards you, then you can start to get it in and have doubts. Is it your own grief? Are you angry all of a sudden? Are you sad? And that's what we need to work through. And that's what we do

    by shedding light on it and lifting it up and finding a place where we're not affected by it. It's been a long process of figuring that out, but you can do that

    you become

    dependent on the person, it takes a while.

    Once these avenues start to open up. Then you are forced to relate and learn to recognise the difference between your own condition and that of others. Or you'll go insane.

    Yes, that's right. Yes, yes, yes.

    Then we have dreams and out-of-body experiences, like out-of-body experiences, the sudden experience of floating above your body and seeing it from the outside.


    Um. Can be a phenomenon.


    Out of body, out of body uh experiences, right?

    But also lucid dreaming, where you can control your dreams and fly for example is also a thing. Yeah.

    Erm. And what exactly it is for you, it can be different, but for me it has been about getting a grip on the energy body and finding out how I navigate at all when I'm not, when I'm in my pure soul frequency. Erm.


    But it's also about finding out where the illusions are in the astral, in the dream world, which runs when we sleep.

    Yes, that's right.

    But there can be many things in it. Robert Monroe, you can look up and read his books. He's written some interesting things about it.

    He's written some interesting things about it. We haven't had any close encounters, but we've talked to people who have had it, and we've read up on it really well.

    Can you remember

    some who you It's certainly something that we have

    some references. Erm,

    and you can just Google experience, there's lots of searches.

    And it's pretty, it's pretty well researched.

    Yeah, there's a uh, there's several doctors that have been working with it for years. Um,

    Bruce Grayson and Raymond Moody.

    Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

    Um, we can link to those are some of the doctors who worked on it. And um, yeah, so near death experiences and remembering past lives can be related in the way that past lives can remember a death.


    And that's typically one of the things that sticks with you the most.


    I would actually say that if you start to spontaneously remember past lives, you will also be forced to relate to death. So your death process.

    Yes, that's right. Because that's typically where the violence happens and what losses were there? What does it mean for love and stuff like that?


    It's rarer and stuff like that. I'm Cleopatra and then I was something fantastic, you might as well be a Nazi officer who shot Jews. I mean...

    because there are people who have done all kinds of shit over the years. So you might as well be steeped in all kinds of stuff that you have to work with when it comes up. It may be that

    you'll typically come up with something where you've either been a victim of something or other, or have been a giger r** yourself, or it's typically because it's unfinished business, nothing else. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

    Our definition of karma is really just unfinished business. It's something that's energetically unfinished.


    So it's not something that can be resolved energetically, so you don't have to carry it anymore.


    Um. So it was near death and it was early life and I know we skate over it and some people think we should go deeper into it. Erm, and maybe one day we can do that too. But right now we think a lot of these things are well described in the literature.

    Yes, they are. It's also an inspiration, you could say.

    And to deal with such important topics so quickly, we also recommend that you delve into the literature, but in reality it's not that important. The important thing is, why does it come up? What should it do? What was the insight? Were there any people you had relationships with that you had some kind of role in relation to, that you need to have

    Yes, yes.

    into the light and get closure or do something about it?

    Yes. Are there any physical symptoms somewhere in your body that are tied to any of this that can be cleared up, or are there any phobias or fear scenarios that don't make any sense to look at this your bad life now that you know can be allowed to finally come to rest, so you can the only reason to relate to the past life is to integrate it so that you can be more of a place in this life here.

    Yes. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And we've experienced that we don't go hunting for past lives when we're working, but sometimes it comes up, and you're prepared for it to happen, and then there's someone who's got a black eye or

    Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Been beheaded or

    Yes. Yes. And then something has to be sewn together with a layer, and there can be things like that, right?

    It's always come up in the context of a theme the person is working on, where that element has to come up and be integrated as well.

    That's why we're much more everyday-orientated in terms of what kind of everyday life you live and what kind of problems are you facing right now?

    Yeah, yeah. Um, and then get out of it and find a place where you can get your feet under you and navigate somewhere else.

    Finalising things or sorting things out or whatever it is.

    Mm. Exactly.

    Contact to the right layer of consciousness can be contact to angels.


    It can be ascended masters like Jesus, Sananda, Sanat, Kumar, anything. There may be counsels, i.e. advice you can get in touch with. And those counsels are actually different. M

    So it could be that you've heard from someone that there's this counsellor, and that's the one at the cabinet, then you get in touch with something completely different, where there are some aliens or something strange

    or a group that has a different role.


    Because your soul group is something else and you have to do something else.


    So don't get too hung up on what you're getting from other sources about how, what you're going to meet when you come up. I mean, there's nothing here that's finer than anything else. Someone has to do something else.

    M. Mm.

    But you can also get in touch with spiritual guides, who I thought were always the same, but it turns out that when you've completed some things, they can be replaced. Yes, that's true. Otherwise, it's been a part of your right self that has stepped forward and played out a duality so that you could better believe in it or be in relationship. You could exchange with it, and then it gets reinteracted in yourself, and then like it was just myself or it was some other aspect of my soul.

    It was myself all along that had some abilities that I've had explained to me as if it's outside of myself, right?

    Yeah, exactly.

    Erm, so those things happen too.


    Um, in terms of contact with beings, we can give a quick stall here.

    Yeah, yeah, yeah.

    That they never intrude, that's number one. So if you experience beings crowding into your f or it's not highers.

    And here it's actually something about going as much into unconditional love as possible. Possibly ask for help from Erg Michael or others for protection and then stand in it. If you go into fear, that's it and it's a paradox. Then you absorb it more easily, because you go into fear.


    They go on.

    Um. And

    let it vibrate with you.

    Yes. And that's what we call also basically astral phenomena. It's some stuff that's going on in lower vibrating parts of the wisdom layer, which is a huge mud uh field of everything,

    that's going on on earth. There's a blanket around it, as Robert Monroe m

    describes it of noise. And when you start to open up, you'll find that that, that blanket, it's heavily polluted by a group of

    fears and frequencies and people with everything.

    So if you're on social media, you get sucked into that. You have to be very aware of whether you can handle it.


    So now it's okay not to read news for the next four years. It's

    it's okay. It's okay to say, jam, but he makes chaos for four years and then it might land again, right?

    Yeah, yeah.

    Erm. So you don't have to stay, well, if you stay, you can become a junkie by sitting and absorbing all that stuff, because there's someone, it's also exciting in some way, right?

    So there's a concept in the esoteric about harmlessness, you know, the do know has, but it actually has to be understood in a way just like that so it can be interpreted as I should always be touristy, and I should be nice, I should be friendly, I should be well behaved, no. So it's basically about not making a fancy footprint. So you actually have to know what is mine and take responsibility for and what is not mine. Can't you do anything about Trump? Can't you do anything about corona? And shouldn't you do anything? Then don't sit and rant about it.

    Don't sit and drive 5G. Well, that's because it can be it can basically just be a trap where you use, where you sit with some deeper aggression or unfinished business emotionally and then go out and snatch others to push you into others that they have to hear your opinions and easily have not invited you. into you can be you can be you can be so assertive

    enlightened spiritual where you are deeply transgressive and actually behave like an astral being. So you're super annoying.

    So that's the signature that's on it is basically everything that is a polarity a plus and minus policy something good something bad something that's bad something that's good.

    All those things are part of the astral.

    Yeah, yeah.


    So the trick is not to live it out while you're incarnated into something that's dualistic.

    Yeah, yeah. And it's hard. It's the hardest thing for humans. We fall into the pot all the time. So it's better to take you and that than to sit and rant on Facebook.

    And then there are ghosts. Then there are ghosts, which are basically humans, who have not come up more. It's typically due to some kind of violent death or they get stuck. If you meet one of those, well, there's no need to go in fear, because that just makes it worse.


    And don't, well, there are people who are supposed to be paranormal investigators who have to go out and look at the banker and record. No, don't. Get hold of some angels and send them into the light. That's the only thing. That's all there is.

    Yeah, yeah, yeah.

    Um. And if they're just kind of bothering you, send them up and then take a stand, even if you're going to take it upon yourself to help them, because somebody's doing that. M

    and it's okay that they have that task.

    And if it's your job, then that's beautiful and good. If it's not your job, then because it's infinite. It's empty space. There's plenty of that.

    And if you spend time on it, but don't get to do what you're really here for or who you're here to be, then that's a shame, because then you're not contributing your home.

    You don't have to have some old grandfather who committed suicide running around and and, well, you have to get used to it. You can bring it into the light yourself. Ask for help with that.


    Arking Michael asking for other beings.


    Get it sent up. This also applies to your personal space. So get it cleaned up. See if you can do it on your own in different ways.

    And yes, it's definitely possible that you can get your baseline frequency so high that you're no longer bumping into before.

    Yeah. As are some other tasks. Do that. So then that's it it's rare now.

    But we had a period where it was always someone who wanted to be helped up. Yeah, yeah, yeah.


    And when I was a child, I had someone who came and was deeply embarrassed and deeply anxious. It was only when I realised that you could really just help them up. And then I asked them, what are you here for, right?

    So if you experience that, it's not something you need to make a big deal out of, up with them and so on in the text.

    M. Mm.

    Unless it's your job.


    Mm. Yes. So, there is something called black magic, and it's basically that you can influence each other energetically with your parents, which we also talked about before, but there are some who do it consciously. Rudo for example is an example of that. There are some shamans, bruhos, bruto, who practise that.

    Yes, there are.

    Er, so it's a thing. And again, you can also get beyond that. Erm, m

    uh, there can be energy crystals, structures that are also laid in for other lives that need to be dissolved. Um, some uh that bind you to lower levels.

    It's a thing.


    And then come on, now we're, now we're starting to learn about other experiences. Uh, and that's, that's an awful lot according to Woodley Woodley Striber, who wrote this book called Communion, where he wrote about his experiences with meeting something that he experienced as some kind of aliens, the grey ones with big eyes and stuff, which he found extremely frightening. And then he wrote a book about it, and at the end of this book he wrote that you could write to him if you had similar experiences. He got 500,000 letters. The fact that they got that was crazy. And later on, studies were done to find out how many people have had these experiences. And there are a lot of people who have had experiences of being visited by aliens. So if you've had it, it's also described in the psychiatrist John Max, who has written a book about it here


    and it can be very very difficult to integrate what to do with it because


    the majority of people have actually ended up with some studies of what has it been a positive experience in the beginning it can be very very scary


    what the hell was the point of it


    and sometimes it wasn't a physical experience but an experience of somehow being there energetically or appearing in a dream or you're up in some ship and getting some instructions

    Unfortunately, there is also a dark side to this, where someone has experienced medical experiments or experienced some kind of breeding programme of this.

    And the reason we bring it up is that there is someone who has experienced this, they should be taken seriously, because they have experienced it as if it was real, and it should not be made wrong.

    I don't.

    I've had some experiences of this myself and have had enormous difficulty cleaning out something in you that was

    that was concrete from it.


    Um. And after working through it, I've realised that, well, the people I had contact with weren't actually bad intentions, but it was so scary to experience as a child that, well

    that it feels like an assault.

    So if you have such experiences and don't know what to do with them, come to us and we'll work with you.

    Yes, we do.

    Um. And yes, there are also low vibrating entities that mess around inside you.


    So if you experience that, then we also have to

    back into the heart, into unconditional love and compassion, and then they unhook.

    Mm, yes. And then in this phenomenon, many people see flying objects, which can be in the form of orbs. It can be in the form of boomerangs, it can be shaped objects, triangular objects.


    Um. Roof-shaped like a cigar and stuff like that.

    And I have to say that recently there has been a lot of openness about whistleblowers, and it turns out that there are some programmes in the US, such as Pentagon denial and something like where you are there, they have had programmes since the 50s, where they have tried to investigate these things. And there's quite a lot of fuss in the US about what they call disclosure. Um, and many people find that when they've had it, they have some kind of telepathic connection or a sense of some kind of communion with it that also makes it difficult afterwards.


    Um. And that can be a rabbit hole you can go very deep into. So here's a warning that once you go down there and realise that there are naval officers, probably with full clearance, who write books about this. You'll be like, what the f*** is this? And are we alone? And we're not.

    No, of course we're not.

    There are all sorts of things.

    Yes, of course it is.

    Um. Um. And right now there's a lot of drone quote unquote sidings going on in the US that the Pentagon can't explain, but they're not foreign adversaries, but they're not dangerous, and there's no one giving any answers for anything. And some of that is probably drones, but there might be some other things as well.


    Um. It's just to say it's not because it's just, if you have some of these experiences, it does exist, and there are many people who have had these experiences, and they also need to be integrated in some way, because what's the point of that?


    Well, then I think, uh, we've been through many exciting topics


    for today.


    and the question of whether there's more to say. Well, in relation to near-death experiences, you can have contact on the other side with people who have passed away, which you then get

    So the things people describe about near-death experiences, it's typically that they come into light and into a tunnel or into light and go somewhere else and experience coming out of the body and experience contact with


    uh beings on the other hand, light beings, but also people who have passed away and who say, dear friend, there is something you don't have

    you know there's something unfinished island so you have to go back and

    the person comes back and then they will typically, according to the literature and the few we've talked to, have had a very, very violent impact on their life in terms of not wanting to be a soldier anymore or having to change jobs and so on, right?


    Um, and they're typically not afraid of death anymore and have a different sense of meaning in being the ones who have near-death experiences in the US at least. I don't know if that's the case in Denmark, but they often gather in groups to talk about it and figure out what to do about it.


    So that's also one thing. And then the last thing is that past lives can also include that you get a sense of a cosmic heritage or membership from other planets or higher dimensions. M

    So with that, I don't think we have much more to say about soul descent.

    It's kind of in the oven for a happy new year, right?

    Yeah, that's right. So it's something to rinse after. Yeah.

    Er, a few references here at the end. We also put some in the cosmic origin of Linde Bacman, who wrote some cool books.

    Yeah, yeah, yeah. And based on 1000 sper regressions.

    So that's not it, that's why she has it validated through many she's had a lot inside. She didn't really believe in it herself and then she had an experience of some contact and then she started listening to that and then she collected a huge amount of data and described it.

    Yes, she did.

    Her last book is about IP people who come from other planets. But the next one is about people who come from the angelic realm.


    Erm, so her we refer to out of body experiences. Robert Monroe. Out of body experiences. Great books. Exciting. Um again um Barbara Brennan is describes very precisely how you can work with

    see the energy layers and what layers there are and how they interact and how the frequency comes down through the system and how it transforms.

    So it's not, well, there are some pretty precise descriptions of this as


    there are also in the esoteric or spali and stuff like that. It's a little harder to access, but they also have very precise descriptions of some of these things.

    Then there's about Alien Abduction, I have John Mac wrote one, who is a psychiatrist from

    Harvard, I think he was. He's now dead. He has written a Magnum book where he has collected over 100 of the experiences that he has had in regressions. Um, other interesting sources. Yes, we had Bruce Grayson and Raymond Moody on near-death experiences. And then we have, if you want to geek out on UAPs, Louis Alessandro, um, Gary Nolan and James Fox have made some cool films about it again. We'll link. Finally, there's a lovely weird book called What is light body, which is so weird that when you read it, you don't really know what to do, but it activates something. M

    We'll link to that too. Um...

    And finally, we have the remote viewing issue and how the CIA has a programme that is now officially defunct, but those who work with it say it's still there, and so do the Russians.

    There's someone called Hall Puthoff, who's a professor of astrophysics, who has run this programme. And he can, I can link to something interesting. They ran through Stanford University and together with Monroe, the Robert Monroe Institute. And so there's a lot of data on this. It's not how weird it is in there, there are people of serious people who have, you could say, written about it. And we'll link to that. Uh, and then we'll talk to you again. Um, and happy new year to everyone.

    Happy New Year.

Mette Miriam Sloth & Sune Sloth

Mette Miriam Sloth, specializing in relationships and emotional regulation, and Sune Sloth a trained coach with a background in social science, bring a blend of skills to their work at The Magdalene Effect.


Podcast E39: A Transforming Light in the Darkness