Podcast E26: Where Do Souls Come From?

In this thought-provoking episode of the Magdalene Effect podcast, Mette and Sune explore the enigmatic world of souls, offering a fascinating glimpse into their origins, development, and influence on our lives here on Earth.

  • The Source and Essence of the Soul:

    Mette and Sune describe the soul as a unique frequency or essence emanating from a universal source, which they refer to as "God," "Source," or "Life" itself. Each soul possesses a specific gift or "tone" that contributes to the cosmic harmony.

    The Purpose of Incarnation:

    Incarnating into a physical body is seen as a necessary process for the soul's maturation. Through earthly experiences, the soul has the opportunity to develop and anchor its unique essence. Earth serves as a kind of "maturing ground" for the soul, where it learns and grows.

    The Veil of Forgetfulness:

    Upon incarnation on Earth, the soul forgets its connection to the universal source. This forgetfulness is necessary to experience the duality that characterizes life on Earth, such as gendered reproduction. The separation and fear that arise from this duality drive us to seek security in groups and define ourselves in opposition to others.

    Soul Maturation and Categorization:

    Mette and Sune present a model for soul maturation, inspired by the Michael Teachings, which categorizes souls into different levels of maturity:

    • Baby Soul: Young souls with limited experience.

    • Young Soul: Souls that are exploring and experimenting.

    • Mature Soul: Souls that have integrated more experience and have a deeper understanding of themselves and the world.

    • Old Soul: Highly experienced souls with a strong connection to the universal source.

    This categorization is not intended as a judgment of the soul's value, but rather as a description of its level of development.

    Earthbound Souls vs. Other Soul Types:

    In addition to earthbound souls, who follow Earth's evolutionary cycle, two other soul types are introduced:

    • Interplanetary Souls (IPs): Souls originating from other universes or planets who come to Earth to contribute specific skills or frequencies to support Earth's development.

    • Angel Souls: Highly evolved beings with deep compassion who incarnate to bring light and consciousness to Earth, often as a form of sacrifice.

    Challenges of Living in Alignment with the Soul:

    Living in accordance with the soul's impulses can be challenging. One may feel alienated, experience conflicts in relationships, and be forced to take responsibility for one's choices.

    Integrating Soul Energy:

    Living in alignment with the soul requires an active process of integrating higher consciousness into the body and everyday life. This involves:

    • Listening to the soul's inner guidance.

    • Following intuitive impulses.

    • Taking responsibility for actions and choices.

    • Navigating relational challenges.

    The Soul's Influence on Earth and Cosmos:

    The soul is seen as a link between Earth and the cosmos. The way we live our lives affects not only ourselves, but also Earth's and the universe's energy grid. Living in accordance with the soul's impulses can contribute to a positive transformation of both ourselves and the world.

  • Translated transcript of the original Danish podcast

    Hosts: Mette Miriam Sloth & Sune Sloth

    Welcome to the Magdalene Effect podcast episode 26, where today we will talk about what souls are, where do they come from, how does the impulse express itself in everyday life? What do we understand by soul? What types of souls are there that

    Why is it even important?

    Why is it important at all? And oh yes, how does the soul impulse express itself? and different from other impulses we have.


    Mm. What is this thing with body, soul, and how does it happen when the soul comes down and is more in the body, and how does that work? Um, so we'll look at personality, relationship and stuck situations where the soul pushes itself, and what actually happens, and can you avoid, that is, can you not follow the soul's impulse? Is it even possible? And then we round off by talking a little bit about the Earth's evolutionary journey. Where are we now? And what do we think is happening?



    in the back

    That's right.

    So let's get started.

    Let's do it.

    Shall we start by opening the ball by talking about something as abstract as what is a soul and

    what the hell is it?

    Yes, what the hell is it?

    What do you have to say about it? What is it? How would you define it or describe it? Well, you could say it's problematic to try to capture it in words.

    Mm. Er, because the truths we can talk about here on earth are not truths with a capital S. That is, we can come up with some interpretations, but it's not the final definitive truth.

    No, it's not.

    Erm. So that's why what we're talking about here won't be something that you can hopefully find some resonance in your own system or navigate according to your own ability. M. resonant, right?

    Yeah, because the way we talk about soul down here is very much it's like I am or a higher self or something. But I was personally very sceptical about these things until a lot of things started to come in and a lot of life experiences and experiences through life. And I had written a diary. I was up to 56 lives that I had memories from. Unfortunately, that diary was lost in connection with a computer crash.


    But maybe there's also a point in that it's not necessary to remember a lot of lives and go hunting in early life. Well, there are recreational therapists who work with this. And the way we approach it is really more to say, how can you actually be in this life? you're in now.

    Yeah, yeah. So if an old life is haunted by some traumatic experiences that need to be released in this life, then it can make more sense. It almost arises more spontaneously, right?

    Yes, it does. And it may also be that sometimes there are some gifts or some qualities that you understand better, how what you have with you falls more into place.


    Erm. Yeah, yeah, yeah. What would you say to that? What do we understand by soul?

    Hm. Well, it's very much the same, that it's a formulation of my inner truth, you could say, right? And it's my reality for me, and I can offer it as my gift, and then people can take it or reject it or exchange it or whatever, right? And it's very important to say that because there's no such thing as absolute truth.

    So my sense of soul has changed a lot. I was very much in the spiritual community in Copenhagen way back in my early 20s and I did a lot of mental intake, reading up on, you know, chakra systems and Newton kind of talking about, you know, regression therapy and stuff like that. And I was very, I found it fascinating, but I didn't have any inner sense of it. It resonated, but I was, I'm also sceptical, because I kind of feel like it sounds, it seems right, and it makes sense to me that there's something that doesn't die. I remember in high school I had a conversation with someone at some party where I was like, I don't believe in death. I've always felt that way. But I really needed some inner experiences of how to feel the soul, and how I needed to get impressions in my inner world to understand it. And I can assure you that over the last three or four years, I've gained an incredible amount of inner knowledge about it, which of course comes in such a mortal body

    and a language that is a bit limited, a bit square and trying to define or approach something that is immortal, changeable, magical. It's a bit, it's a bit difficult, but the way I understand it, it's really that out of what some people would call God or source or whatever the hell we should call it, uh, that souls are born, and that souls, I was shown a very beautiful picture really, if you look at the universe from above and then the planet, the earth here almost holographically, that as a soul you emerge from the whole. And you haven't lost your connection to the whole. It's as if there is a deep awareness that you know your place in the cosmic game and you feel deeply connected to the whole, to the god, god within, father, fashion and whatever other mythological images we use for this. But the soul frequency you are, what you carry with you as a soul is completely unique. And there is one when I am travelling a little into my own inner world and moving up in frequency and being with it. So what I feel is that there is a huge celebration of life. There's a huge celebration of diversity. And it's a different kind of understanding of souls than I got in my 20s where it was like, well, souls, it's just like you're exalted and you feel at one with everything and it's like that. And I was like, it's such a common leaven you just like, where's that thing with us too, where's the diversity in it or does the whole thing become such a mix and grey, I didn't understand it. I can see that now, how I can feel it. It's like, ah, you feel deeply connected to it all, and you understand the space in it, and you understand that your tone plays beautifully in the most beautiful harmony, and you are also developing as a soul. The soul also has a maturing journey, and it's just conscious. The soul knows that it's maturing, and it's a beautiful maturing process when you incarnate on earth. This is actually why incarnating is not a prison, as is sometimes omitted, that the body is a prison. It is necessary for new souls to be born. That are born out of source can mature and evolve and create new universes and create new beauty and you know and mature that very unique tone, frequency, gift whatever that soul is that is very specific that is different from everything else in order for it to mature and land and become integrated and flourish then it has to actually incarnate a body in this universe or another universe. On this planet or somewhere else. Therefore, when you incarnate into a body, you forget that you are part of life, that you belong to life, that you are part of life, that life has you. This is a cosmic dance where we evolve. You have forgotten that. So what happens when you come down here is that you actually seek to lump yourself together with others. That's where some of the janteloven has come from. When you're one to one, you're like, I want to be with my tribe and we're against someone else, because it's very fear-based. Because fear arises because you've forgotten that you can't die. Yes, the body can die. So you get to experience that transformation when the body dies. That's so beautiful, I can see, because what also happens, I can see, I've been allowed to see in inner images of what happens when a soul matures and takes a jump, and thus also some dimensional jumps and can be in a difficult, if you will, and then it matures, and then it actually disappears in that form and is elevated to something else or becomes another form. Um, which is actually a kind of death process or a transformation process. So it also happens to souls that are no longer incarnated in a body. Because at some point it's not necessary for a soul to incarnate in a physical body. And therefore you will also have higher beings and light beings, you could say, who no longer incarnate, but who can take a form and step down into other dimensions. It may sound a bit abstract, but what is beautiful compared to where I got to see the soul boat is that what we call death on earth is celebrated. It really is a celebration. It's a very, very beautiful process. A bit like the phoenix, as you can see, it becomes more and more, you know, it fades and loses its colour, but then suddenly it bursts into flames and dies, and then it is reborn. That is to say the process leading up to seeing it has to fade. But if you know about the fading, you'd be wowed at how it's about to be reborn. It's about to be exuberant in a new form. And that's actually what's happening on the soul level. So it's celebrated because every time there's a rebirth, the soul, the soul has matured to a new place where there's even more life, where it's even more possible for the individual soul, unique soul to express itself in its beautiful tone and symphony to this wonderful diet. That we are co-creators of. So on earth, it's actually about using it as such a ripening tool for the cosmic dance and recognising that first of all, yes, you have something with you that is completely unique and it's not something you have to perform. It's not something you have to chase, it's something that comes from within and out through you. So everyone has something that is completely unique to them. And what does that mean, does that mean that you have to, you know, create something or do something? No, it can be a way of expressing love. It can be a way to bring lightness to it. It can take so many forms. And that's one of the most beautiful things I see when I work with people. It's that I get to see them start to unfold. I get to feel that frequency. So each frequency has its own level and ecstatic lightness, and everyone has it. No one is exempt. No one is exempt. You can be more or less, you can be further away from finding it or feeling your own frequency or trusting that you have it or starting to recognise it. Um, because it's a way of travelling down here. And here it also makes sense to talk about there being different kinds of souls. Um, and there are also different souls. So there are different stages of maturity in souls. So then some souls would be younger. And Hose Stevens, he talks about baby soul and infant soul, baby soul, young soul, mature soul, old soul. And of course those are just some categories of something, but it's also a new thing that really resonated with me. When I came across it. And that's how I experience it when I work with people. I also experience it in myself that souls and maturation processes in the soul are actually crucial. And in a lot of new age or spiritual environments, there's no focus on that. It just becomes a kind of collective leaven. So souls are a is a is a is a is a connection. As I see it, it's a unique frequency, a unique essence that emanates from the unity to which we all belong, which we call life and the magical. And it is also the link between what we can call body, personality, ego and then up to the higher realms, which are higher selves and such higher frequencies in relation to understanding oneself and the world as also being a cosmic journey, that we are not we are not separate for the universe. So that means that what happens on earth affects the universe. What happens in the universe affects the earth. In that way, things are connected. And you could say the soul, the soul frequency is like the link to start connecting with the journey that lies beyond the evolution of the earth.

    Yeah. Mm.

    I think we link to HC Stevens' souls, and there in Transform Your Dragons there's a very nice description, I think.

    Yeah, yeah, yeah.

    Of what can you say, how it characterised the different souls.

    Exactly. But if I connect it a bit with K Wilber and all this, it's really about that the first level is that I am me, and I experience no connection other than to myself.

    Yes, that's right.

    And then the next is that I experience, okay, there's another person.


    So in my sense of connection can reach out to someone close. Then it may be the next time the next level, then it's connection to a group.

    Mm. Then it could be to, it could be to a whole, you know, nation that you can connect to, and then it could be to humanity.


    The next level, it's to the universe and other systems and other beings, so to speak. And then you know, then maybe further up directly to the source in some form or another and whatever else is there.

    Yeah, yeah, yeah,

    but we link, there's a v recommend that book, right?

    Yeah, there is.

    Transform your dragons.

    Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah,

    I think that might also be an interesting misconception or at least you could say it's worth taking on board. Many people in the alternative environment think that if you just ask the right person, well, then you should really just do it. But it is not assumed that there is a presupposition that we are responsible for being here on earth and doing what we do.


    and thereby mature as human beings through the impulse of the soul.


    Um. I didn't say that you can't get that guidance. You kind of have to blend it together or let it weave itself into your life.

    Mm. Mm.

    And mature from it.


    Um, because the soul operates from a high frequency level and doesn't have eyes, ears, nose and mouth and reason and emotions and even feel pain like we do.

    We don't.

    It's a biological thing that comes from the separation, the dualism that we have.

    Mm. Sexual reproduction.

    So for the soul, it can be like, no, it's exciting. I take a life with such and such, and then you come down, and then it's f***** suffering.


    But that's the focus of the soul here. It's exciting, what can come out of it? What can be created out of it?


    What can What What What What What can it do?

    So when you come up in frequency between lives, and it's as if from that perspective, it's like, well, it's exciting, and what came out of it, and then there's life review and things like that.

    M. Mm.

    So you're like, no, we'll try again, and then you come down pain in suffering again. And...

    your bed, I think has been some of the questions I asked myself, I don't have the answer to everything, but it's like why is it that forgetting is a thing? Um why is it that uh we can go from, what should we say from the ice age where there were quite a few people compared to today, where do all those souls come from?


    We've also got some answers, but there are still some mysteries. So what are some souls that split up and are allowed to live on in individuals, some come from other places and so on. Erm.

    Yes, yes, yes.


    Are there any of the questions that you think we've got some answers to, at least in the sense that it's a work in progress, and we don't have the truth and the answers, but for those of you listening,

    I hope it gives you something anyway. M

    er and it is


    Yeah, yeah, yeah.

    So it gives you a reference point for where we are right now.

    Yes, exactly.

    That's how it will always be.

    Yes, that's right. Because what you can say, the truth or a little fact or paradox, which has been hard for me to swallow, is that the idea of letting life evolve, that is, having evolution on a planet like Earth, where it is dualistic, that is, sexual reproduction, is dualistic. So that means that the separation there is and the oblivion therein to only play out that life form, then there has to be oblivion. M

    because otherwise if you if you feel connected with source, then there is no dualism. The two things can't be connected. So it seems like when the conditions are leaned place actually in a channelling. And the reason I mention that, because it resonated with me, was that it was explained that when places arise in the universe where the conditions are right for life, that once life is anchored, it actually kind of takes its course. Of course, ups and downs and everything and stuff like that, right? But it's true that it's very fragile in the beginning. It's a bit like when you go out with your spring plants. If you're not prepared for a late frost, they'll die. Erm. So it's something to do with the fact that life when it begins, that is, in relation to the atmosphere almost having to be and water and all that, that when it's what needs to be anchored so that you can actually have you know different variants in both animals and humans and what have you, on our planet it looks like there are so many variants down here at the same time, right. So that you can get it to set off and actually succeed. Then there is a very, very fragile period. And on our planet, it's so clear that it's sexual reproduction and it's dualistic and you could say that life originates in such a way that cells clump together and become creatures that you know crawl over land and have to eat each other to get nourishment. But it also creates a lot of fear in the nervous system as well. So it's a new step in evolution. It's kind of like survival, it works okay to actually anchor life until it's solid enough that it can go from survival to flourishing. So you could say on earth until now, we've actually only lived in survival. And that's also why what we're feeling right now and so many have been in oblivion you can't when you open up or you're opened up actually say it's something that happens. It's not then you start to open up and it can be very painful and there's all sorts of things that can also be something the light hits can really hurt and you don't remember because someone tells you it's not a mental you can't I haven't experienced I could be fascinated by all that with souls but it did nothing for me in relation to my anxiety fear of death and my worries and and you know afraid I couldn't pay the bill and whatever the hell it might be just not messing around with relationships it didn't do anything about all that human suffering and reading about it with soul what did do something about my relationship with human suffering and I could start dealing with it in myself it was to have experiences of well only in like you know in bits and pieces. I couldn't hold it, but you know having those experiences of feeling connected to something bigger and actually getting a sense that there really is something that doesn't die. Yeah, yeah, yeah. The body dies. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And that in itself is a transformation, there's a lot of beauty in that. And it's been absolutely crucial in terms of leaving a life where I was chronically anxious. So there's something there and it's kind of got into the answer to why this. Why is it even important to talk about this with souls? And you could say here's the paradox. It's not important to talk about souls because if you don't feel it, if you don't have contact with it yourself, what you sense as soul and what goes beyond what we define as human mortal experience. If you don't experience it, if you don't feel it,

    then it doesn't really matter to talk about it. So if you're sitting out there thinking, well, that doesn't make any sense to me, fine, then this podcast is not for you. If, on the other hand, you've got that germination, there are some sensations, you feel something, there are flashes and there are impulses and you have this it can do something and I want to anchor this more deeply in me to live with that impulse, then you are on the right track and you actually get to find out that life is immortal and it lives through you in different forms so some forms die if you like or are used up and then perish and are transformed into something else and you can say the reason why we have been so survival-oriented down here for the reason that all the solutions we make, whether it's so political or individual is so short-sighted, you can basically reduce it to one thing. It's you're f****** scared to f****** die. And that's all you know. The only thing you know for sure down here on earth is that your body will die one day. The only thing you know, but nevertheless the thing you're most f*****g afraid of. So the shamans are right when they say you have to die before you die. You have to surrender to the death process. But you can only do that when you know you're not going to die. So there is no Yes. Yes, you die, but the entity is born. And that's a paradox. And that

    is a wonderful dilemma.

    It's a wonderful dilemma.

    Carl Carsten, in many of his books with Don Joan, he talks about using death as a counsellor.


    And that's something I've delved into a lot. But also in Tibetan Buddhism it's also something that I spent many years meditating on death. But it's still something where you seek it out in a kind of disciplined way. Um, but there's still a truth in it that the moment I realise that I've lived many lives, and I start asking, can I relive that death? Can I experience what happens afterwards? Can I ask to be shown what was the entrance before this life? What were the possibilities? What was the reason for being born into that family? So then I realised, okay, I started reading up on Een Stevensen.


    Um... Who works with near-death experiences of a doctor.


    We have Linda Bachman, who wrote Souls on Earth. I think he's written several. Um.

    Souls and Earth is about souls that come from outside you know, that are not what we call earthling souls.

    M. Mm.

    Um, we have, um, we have several references that we put in the notes.

    Yes, we do.

    What's in there is that, uh, so I Stevensen and uh, there's also this doctor, I think he's from Oxford L also puts on as m

    So Steven has been out interviewing a lot of children who were trying to find evidence for this, but that's not what decided it for me, it's more something I sought out afterwards.

    I guess it's more your own inner self

    Yes, it's more my inner experiences but I had to try to see if there were others who had delved into this in both qualitative, but also in a quantitative way.


    Erm, also to find out that you're really what are we up to here?


    And I could see that there is someone who works with soul regression, which I can't really remember her name now, but she has a number of techniques for some questions you can ask, and one of them is, well, and it's actually also asking, can I be allowed to see my death? Can I see what happens afterwards? Um, one of the things that I think has come out of it is that what seems to be what the soul actually takes with it between lives is not everything. There are some things that are kind of encapsulated and are like a time capsule that can be opened at some point. And when we work with a GI, sometimes people suddenly relive something that is typically very traumatic that unpacks itself.

    But it's not like, they have all their lives with them, so all that trivial stuff is not that important.


    But there will often be situations where there's something to pick up that hasn't been digested.


    Um. Around some of the more violent things in life. The violent nature of humans. Uh sting in love, experience of deep connection, experience of loss a loved one and loss fails. And things like that.


    And when those things have landed, it's as if that consciousness enters my body and is in everyday life.


    There are also some things where I've realised that there are things I've found incredibly easy to do that I don't know where I got. I then realised that, okay, uh, that required me to just read up on it, and then I have a feeling. It could be something like being an architect, but building a house is very, very easy by understanding how to build things. If I just sit down and look at drawings and so on without knowing the calculations behind it, very easy with scientific method and stuff like that. Um, so there are some, um, abilities, as some people call them talents that may actually have been cultivated in other lives that you can download. Then they have to be relearned by saying you have to go in and get it. Some things like


    seem to come to you very easily as you might be able to and be something that you actually have some previous experience with it, so you understand how it works.


    So there are some musicians where I don't doubt for a second that they have something with them.


    Erm, what's her name? Well, I'm not going to name names, because we're not going to go into people's energy. But there are some people where I'm thinking here, there's someone, for example one, she's 22 when she starts, she makes some amazing music, pop music.

    I can't remember her name, so I won't go into that either. But I'm sure she can, she's, she's so talented, so she's got something with her.

    Yeah, she does.

    Coming from a family that's not musical.


    Erm. Yes, she does.

    And here it also makes sense that actually, when you start to understand that there are different soul maturation, so. And it's also that if we're going to talk about the feeling we have for, as Linda Bman describes it, we've also got some

    categories, if you like, from. It makes a lot of sense with what we have experienced ourselves, both in our own journey but also with the people we work with. Um, this thing about souls having different experiences and having different ages of dredging with them. And that can actually be an explanation for why some people learn something incredibly easily. So some people can seem like geniuses. I think everyone has genius for me, when we talk about being a genius, it's actually something that comes naturally, almost as if it's something that just comes through you that is so beautiful, you dance so beautifully with that theme so that you almost, it's as if enormously graceful in some way you can navigate within that theme or discipline or that area of experience whatever the hell it is, you simply navigate so elegantly and so graceful it's as if it's not learnt, it's as if

    it's inside you and then you meet something in the external where you relearn it and then it unfolds in a way. Um, and as I see it, it's by no means reserved for the few. It's the few who have reached the point where it has broken through. But everyone carries the seeds of it. But it may well be that you have to lead many lives before it breaks through, because there's something involved in terms of building up experience.

    And in relation to soul groups, what we have found that seems to make sense in relation to Linda Backman is that there seem to be souls that follow the earth's evolutionary cycle. So earthbound souls if you will

    earth earthlings

    earthlings. Yes, exactly. That is, they incarnate on earth and their incarnation cycle is actually tied to the planet's evolution.

    Yes, that's right.

    And in that, you can be a young soul, a baby soul, and you can be an older soul, right?

    Yes, you can be an older soul. Then there's also some intermediate, and then eventually we're into advanced, right?

    Advanced, yeah, exactly. And I would say that's probably, we're probably most,

    and advanced. It sounds like it's better, but it's not meant to be. It's actually not meant that way.

    It's not. You have to see it more as what we're getting to and that's what becomes so problematic with language and especially when we're you know in hierarchical competition and survival mode on earth, right, so if we interpret it into that then it's like something better than something else then you all want to just advance soul right. But it's basically about you would never criticise a six-year-old or an old baby for crawling why aren't you walking why aren't you running yet? I mean, it doesn't make sense.

    It is that way. So it's not about

    It's not about something being better than something else. It just has its own natural development cycle.

    Mm. So that is, if you're a younger soul, well, you just don't have as many experiences or not as many scars as someone more mature. So that's just it.

    So one of the things we've delved into, which is actually what I've learnt, is that if you look at human history, the earth should have been here, what is it 4.7

    4.7 billion years, I think.

    That's right. Isn't that the universe? That's the universe. That's the universe.

    Yes, it is. Yeah, it is.

    But anyway that uh the earlier human species, the early human species, it's 200,000 years or something like that. We're talking Dennisovian for example. There was an interesting programme about Dennisovian, which is

    a human species that has been around for 200 years, 200 years ago, that has been found doing burial rituals. You can find it on Netflix in this documentary, which we can also link to,

    if I can remember it afterwards.


    Erm. Who do funeral rituals where they actually make symbol and take their dead far far far far into a cave on a very colourful journey and bury them

    back into the limon.

    Yeah, yeah. Um. So there's something out of it, you might say there's a dawning awareness of something.


    And it's someone who has a much smaller brain than and was much smaller. So it has surprised the researchers that because they had this theory about the bigger the brain the more consciousness.

    Mm. Doesn't seem to hold anymore.

    Is there is there is there really than we are dealing with some of those who are buried with tools.


    To draw a child being buried with a drawing tool it seems to uh to scratch into the stone and then there you can say there is such dawning consciousness in some places.


    But what I and we have actually realised is that at some point there will be an influx of souls that actually inhabit these primates, so to speak.


    And then more consciousness begins to emerge.


    But that consciousness becomes a bit of a chaos, because if you couple it with the idea that this group is the good one, and those over here are the dangerous ones, or different survival, and you suddenly have more consciousness, but you're still caught in a deep dualism of fear and survival, then it suddenly becomes something that you can also start changing against each other, making plans,


    start to take power. Er, so we get


    psychopathy and narcissism and everything else. Um,

    so there's actually a problem if you get an influx of too much consciousness too early in relation to uh


    that there's a problem if you use your heightened awareness to manipulate or create divisions.


    And that explains to me at least that it's not that long ago that you see human development has been something with bonfires and some flint axes and some flint things and stuff and some drawings of some hunting situations and stuff like that.

    And then, you know, fire is invented, and then nothing much really happens. Rituals of vengeance, that's important of course,

    but then not much actually happens, and then all of a sudden there's a shift.

    Mm. And the way I've been told, you could say, it's a kind of experiment, trying to put in some souls. And there's a problem because there's a consciousness in these bodies, a kind of group consciousness. So the body has its own consciousness, its own island, we call them the body-soul.

    M. Mm.

    And merging these, getting the souls and the body consciousness to find each other in something that is actually one, so to speak,

    a delicious dance of love, right?

    Yes, where it doesn't feel separate. Then it no longer feels separate. And that's actually what it is, that's actually the process that we actually work with basically when we are, when we are inside.

    M. Mm.

    Um. Perhaps the most exciting thing is that there comes a point where, in order to take something in, there is also an increased responsibility.

    Mm, yes.

    Because you might start to realise that you thought you had free will, but in reality you can see that you've been involved in things that have created cycles that you've participated in, either as a kind of victim or a kind of active or


    that you have to choose and say, I have to, I have to step out of that.


    It may require you to be in a relationship with a person where you have to very significantly disengage or withdraw from your family in a certain way or not participate or you know, pull out or just uh It may also be that there's more gifts coming through or more impulse, you have to do something else in life.

    Mm. Mm.

    And that's actually where it gets really really hard.

    Yes, that's where it gets really, really difficult.

    Where we see that you can work, get the insights down, but if you don't follow through in human form with your will, with your everyday life,


    Then you risk getting one of those where you withdraw from the world, or you leave it behind. And then it's a kind of exciting peak experience where you get some things in. So integrating the insights that come as a result of this is not a small matter. It's an And that's why it has to be done in a way and at a pace where you can participate, so to speak. And there's no judgement if you go down and then do it again. You might have to go down and then try some of the same things. So there may well be an impulse to try out variants until you're exhausted.

    Yes, there is.

    In one area.


    It can actually also be a soul impulse.

    Yes, that's true.

    But that digestion of it, the integration of it where you feel, now I'm done with it. Now I've tried all the flavours that were needed,

    or I've expressed myself in every way, or I've tried something, so I'm ready to let it go and do something else. So we also sometimes see clients, which doesn't happen that often, but sometimes we see someone that you work with, for example, and then they actually end up choosing to go back to what they were doing before.

    Yeah, yeah.

    And there's no there's actually, there also has to be a realisation that sometimes you need to try some things that actually hurt you and keep messing around with them. And you have to be allowed to do that too.

    Yes, sometimes what I hear for some people is like, what kind of pain can I live with? What kind of pain do I dare? The pain of the pain of the habits I've had for a long time that I know inside and out by not speaking up for family or whatever it may be. It's a familiar pain. When you start getting insights to say, okay, but I feel depressed or I don't feel seen and met, or you start saying, okay, I need to make some changes to live a different life and express myself in a new way.

    Then input will come in. You will simply get spontaneous input on, well, what needs to change? What needs to be let go? That is, if you want it up, if you want to be in the world in a new way, then you would have to let go of a lot of the old.

    Yes, you would have to let go of a lot of the old.

    And that's where a new fear comes in. It's alone. Will people walk on me? There will be all kinds of things. Will they think I've been manhandled? I mean, can I stand it? You know, can I afford it? You know, do I dare?

    So you're actually at such a crossroads and right there it's completely off, because that's also what we mentioned. Can you reject a soul impulse? Well, you can. You can. say yes soul I hear you say it would be good for me to go over there I have a lot I can do over here I can stand in my shelter I can do all sorts of things it can feel good and stuff but I dare not take the steps on the road to live it ergo I choose the life I have and so and so and that you can because there is free will.


    What would be an advantage is that what you sometimes do is that you keep complaining that you still feel stagnant and start to think that it's other people's fault and I'm the system that's after me, there's all kinds of things like that, um, so if you stand there, the advice for me would probably be to take at least some responsibility for choosing to actually shut down out of fear, you know. Then you kind of have to accept that, well, it's this man I'm with, or it's that. So now I stop complaining about this life, right? M

    so the north opens up to find out what does it actually mean? What responsibility do I have to take on to change these things? When you get the income from the soul impulse, which is crucial, and the way you anchor the soul impulse deeper into the body so you can live from the soul. If that's what you want, if that's what you kind of have, that's what I want, that's my longing. It's that the soul comes anchored in my body and it's the soul looking out of my eyes and that's the way I live. If that's your longing, the way you do it, it's every time there's an impulse from your soul that you follow it. When you live your soul impulse, the soul goes deeper into your body.


    And it hurts. Sometimes it really hurts.

    It hits some places in the system, right?

    Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Sometimes there are some chakras that need to be opened a bit more and stuff like that. And it can so it can so it can so it can so it can so it can open up and that can help, but it can really cause physical symptoms of severe discomfort at times. So it's just to say that opening up in love is basically that, right? Because the soul frequency is unconditional love too.

    Um, that sounds very beautiful, and it is. But the body can get scared, because when light comes and flows in, it can hurt, and you get confused, and it can feel invasive. And it's not the body that's like, what is this? I don't understand what it is. Because the body is a bit like a child, and it's not because, and it may sound like I'm talking down to the body, but it's because in our culture we talk down to children. We shouldn't do that.


    when one comes along it's an immediate response. That's how I want to be safe, I want to, you know, right now I'm cold, or right now it hurts, or right now I'm scared. There's a need, and the body has that. It needs to be included in the process.

    It needs to be included in the process.

    That's also why it's very sad that

    that, at least in the eastern branches, there may well have been a very critical view of the body, that it was just a prison. And it's important to understand that souls develop through these beautiful bodies. So it's a reciprocal gene, it's a mutual. It's not that the souls come down and become enlightened. In order for them to mature, they actually have to go down into the body and try to experience via the senses.


    So sometimes you can look at souls as such exalted beings, and the body is just such a dull thing. It's completely misunderstood. It's completely misunderstood that souls learn through the body.

    It's completely misunderstood.

    And then the body can, the body has the opportunity, and then when, if the body wants to, and then surrenders to, well, soul, you're welcome, and I want to live that impulse, and you upgrade the body to carry that impulse, then you get a sense of being a cosmic being, if you like.

    Yes, but I would say that what we contribute by doing that is actually that these body souls are raised in frequency. And it's actually something like,

    Well, I would like to warn against the alternative of talking about negative energies and bad energies, it's all just,

    none of it is bad or negative.

    It's not.

    But there are some of the frequencies that we carry in our bodies that are polarised or cannot function. Um, if you start to get more soul here and there and there, you have to raise the frequency. Some of it needs to be cleansed out.

    Some of the energy system needs to be straightened out. Some chakras need to be repaired. There are all kinds of things that arise when we work with it.


    So you can run into a lot of problems when you get a download and you simply feel energy coming from the crown all the way down into the system, it can hit something.

    And we have to say that we have a client who has been stuck for 22 years on someone like you


    you help.

    Mm. Um, we often experience an influx of something more upwards, but it also hits something, and then you have to work on making room and getting it landed.

    Yes, that's right.

    And there are some frequencies that the system cannot coexist with. Fear doesn't work with it. We see it as,


    we often experience it as almost a white cloud. There are different types, you could say. There's overwhelming, there's anxiety and that, but typically it's stagnant in some sense.

    That's right. A lot of self-criticism or criticism of others, which is also bound in fear. So it it it it it it doesn't sit well. So if you have habits of trying to regulate yourself into constantly being self-critical of yourself or constantly being angry and annoyed with others, then you can't get into higher frequencies. And then what about it? It crashes. Yeah, it crashes.

    It's like having an old copper wire running some kind of low voltage through it, and then there's a new, I don't know if it's called a fiben or whatever the hell it's called. So it's simply a mess in the wiring.

    But there is an upgrade of the body. That is, the body's energy system in this, which goes with it.

    Yes. Yes, that's right.

    Um. And it's very easy to get into a feeling of, well, I have free will to do what I want. And then you get this funny paradox that you realise that free will was an illusion.


    Um. Because if you get higher in frequency, you can see that you got involved in a lot of things that created reaction, counter-reaction.

    Mm. Which just kind of became a prison in many ways, right?

    Which then becomes a prison in itself.


    Um, we've both had a lot of anxiety and everything like that that we've worked through. And what I can see when I meet the others, the easiest thing to see, I can also see my own history, is that it was a prison that made much of what I thought was free will. In reality, the anxiety, I couldn't feel it. So it created, I have a lot of thoughts or a lot of defences about how I had to like do a lot of things to keep myself safe.


    To avoid feeling the anxiety. So that


    the funny thing was that now we're coming in with There's an increased freedom in it, but at the same time, the soul impulse and and ronde etra it becomes more and more simple

    in the process.

    So it becomes more simple to be here.


    And another thing I think is also important is that it's something I think is important to address in alternative circles. You really just have to be love and uh and that really means that you just have to forgive everything and be like, it's like this whole boundary setting part is completely missing. But you just have to remember that if we're on earth and some of us are working on raising the frequency, soul frequency, into raising the consciousness of the body body souls so that they actually have a different existence here on earth. When the soul leaves the body, you have to remember that we are in a transitional phase where you have to be extremely strong in your field to be able to stand in it.


    With a deep, deep integrity, uh, where you don't get knocked off your perch.

    Mm. You have to be able to stand out and you have to be able to colour it. And that's basically the insight of polarity. It's not that you have to be you actually have to be able to colour the whole spectrum in order to transcend it.

    Yeah, you have to be able to colour the whole spectrum to be able to transcend it.

    So you have to be able to be from the deep forgiveness um to giving people a second chance to say, well someone needs to be put in here when Putin is causing trouble.

    Yes, exactly.

    You have to be able to see you have to be able to see the point of the Americans for example and Europeans giving the Ukrainians weapons to defend themselves against Russia right now.

    And it's a necessity so that thugs are not allowed to cross borders. So you simply have to say on the one hand, well, that's part of the dense energy that lies in weapons and in nuclear weapons. It's a very, very dense energy.

    You have to say that

    with armour. So it's a very nice illustration.


    On one side and then into pure forgiveness. Erm. And the one that I practised for many years. I practised Tibetan Buddhism, that is, having compassion for all living beings in their pain.

    You really need to be able to colour this so that it's not either/or, but you have that whole spectrum.


    Without you being on edge on what should I stand in one or the other? Because you don't have to stand in one or the other, you simply have to, when you get there, you can actually be in: ‘Well, but here I'm actually being squeezed, pressurised. Well, then I put my power up, and then I stand my ground.’


    And the trick is actually to get to a place where it doesn't feel strained.

    M. Yes.

    And it can only do that when the fear veins start to come out of it, um, then you can stand in a place where you are setting boundaries, um, also in a very clear way.

    Yes, you can do that.

    Um, and at the same time be able to stand in the pain, which is to be able to see that as Buddha has the suffering of others. You actually have to be able to stand in and see that another person, uh, first of all there's your own, you have to take care of your own integrity within many limits, but also be able to see that another person's path can go towards even more suffering, even if you say, no, I don't want to participate in this or m

    I don't want to support you anymore in this or that. Um, because you know that they're either trying to, well, a dependency relationship has arisen in a different way, so you can stand and watch them and you have to stand or you're going to stand, not have to, but you're going to stand in such an acceptance that they go their own way in terms of what should happen, and it's not your responsibility.


    And that may sound harsh and cold. But that's actually where they get a chance to mature and wake up. But we don't do it to mature or wake them up, unless they say,


    will you help me?

    Don't interfere in other people's path.

    No, no,

    don't go hold out hope for others or interfere.

    And that's extremely difficult, because you will sometimes experience harsh judgement from others if you go through this, what can I say, start to awaken in some sense, where you experience that there is more, then you can get into such a transitional phase, which is really really difficult, where you start sharing your insights. You find that people listen, but they don't resonate. You don't really understand that. You think you're starting to get weird when you talk about the new insights. You've experienced all kinds of things and you've gained new meaning in life, and they're listening, but you realise they're not there. They don't really understand what you're talking about. Um, then you might start to tone it down, because you can see that it doesn't make you feel drained and a bit like you've oversha in a way, a few people even use it to seem to use it to say there's something wrong with you. So I would actually say in that phase it's a very good idea to keep it to sharing these insights with someone who is in the same place.


    And be a little cautious, at least sense that one.


    But when you're in different groups and they're used to you being in a different way, then you have a challenge to go through this change while you're in them. And some you can't opt out, there are some times you can't opt out of a group.


    Um. How do you stand without taking in what you exchanged before? For example, the way in, well, one step might be that you sit and share generalities at the lunch table in the canteen. The second step is that you start to have friendships where you share your pain, and you can bear each other's pain through vulnerability, so to speak. But then there comes a point where you're like, ‘That's not really going to get you anywhere. What do we do with that?


    And you get stuck in the other person's own pain. I drive around in my own pain. And what are we supposed to do with that? It feels empty and it's not going anywhere.


    So and so and so it starts to become a bit like that type of friendship starts to become more and more exhausting. If you get to a point where you feel like, well you know, you could actually work with what's coming up and maybe transform it into a form where you don't have to be in that cycle.

    Mm. of worry or anxiety or or there's actually an opportunity right next to it where you can start taking responsibility. And if you can also get like that, you can get into a phase where you have such a frustration that you experience those you care about not taking responsibility for something that seems to be obvious.


    And get annoyed with them. And then you just have to remember that it's their own path to follow.

    It is.

    And that's because they're not following your journey. Mm. And you can get into a state where you want to enlighten everyone, or you want to give them something. You try to help them, and maybe you could elaborate on that.


    Where the old friendships kind of become empty, and you can't really hold out for very long at a time and sit and share in that way. It can also be to sit and complain about something.

    Yeah, you know. It's like the old ways of connecting through pain and complaining and we agree that it's annoying over there. Like humans have done in when soul when you connect with the soul impulse, it's like it no longer makes sense. That you actually get tired of listening to your own complaining and you get tired of your own suffering story. That you're about to vomit all over yourself. It was just like, surely it must be possible to create something where we could be together in a different way instead of always ganging up on someone else. The thing about it is that it's dualistic down here, so we always have to be close if we're in a fight with them over there. Or we're not against the system or whatever the hell it is. It's as if you're just like, f*** this is so annoying. There's this impulse to be together in a different way.

    This concludes the first part of this podcast. We've decided to split it in two because it's a bit long. And the second part is coming soon.

    Here starts the second part of our talk about the soul and so on.

    And it can be a painful process because it's not, it's not criticising your friends and family and stuff like that. It's just what it is. But stepping out, you've played a role, and you also realise, my God, I've helped create this. I've had my own dynamic on it, right? That it can give up. So there can also be a lot of, I see a lot of people kind of stalling, because it actually means that you can have a period where you're completely alone.

    Yeah, yeah, yeah.

    Because you actually you kind of fail a little bit. It's as if you have to withdraw from all the old things or all the old friendships and things like that, because you've changed. And you actually also have to keep your impulse against projecting onto them that there's something wrong with them, because then you just end up doing them wrong. So you're just in a new duality, right? So the thing about actually being able to hold the tension and discomfort and that you're in transformation and it's not anybody's fault, it's what it is to stand in it, it can feel violent. Very violent. So it's actually is actually, do you have the courage to stand in it without either correcting it as doing yourself wrong or correcting it and doing others wrong and letting them be in their own journey and so and but but at the same time continuing your own but possibly also here actually have to set some boundaries where you you realise hey there are actually some places where I have allowed others to be cross-border because I can understand their pain or can not see it.


    Where you can come up with a field of compassion while at the same time being very sharp in setting boundaries where you will get projections back that they think you're selfish or offended or whatever the hell it is, but you can also say that you're not. They just haven't been used to you saying no or not.

    Yes, they have. Then you can even if you're the most quiet and calm person and say no. I'm not interested in that. Or I'm not interested in being forced to get an ultimatum to attend every family event.

    I'm not interested in that.

    Um, and then you're told, well then you're not going to any. So it's a kind of blackmail, almost.


    um and suddenly you see pages hiding underneath. So you see some deeper darkness that you haven't really seen in your fellow human beings.


    Which can be quite shocking to stand in.


    and suddenly you realise the kind of love that was there, that was conditional. And that's why it's so easy to talk about unconditional love, because it

    it's unconditional love, it's much easier to say what conditional love is and then somehow understand it in the way that it's really the other person's free will to make some choices and ultimately choose me out,

    that I allow it.


    It's that, uh, I don't, I don't get on you or single you out or serve my pain to you as a way to push you into a relationship or make you stay or make demands on you. And that means I don't hold you to who you were or what we did or the way I want you to be.


    Um. So signified love is much easier to understand because it's really that you can feel that there are some conditions underneath and if they are not met then the relationship is kind of believed. Yes, then there will be backbiting or you'll be cold or frowned at or whatever it costs, there's some kind of punishment in store if you don't live your life

    And we've probably experienced that when we go through that phase, even if we don't attack people or criticise them at all, sometimes these pages come up in them.


    And it challenges you even more to work even more on the things that come up in you that are difficult in connection with that.

    Yeah, that's right. Exactly.

    Because there are some people who get extremely down and out. They're right there.

    They're right there.

    You're like, ‘Well, I don't really want to have a birthday with you. That's not the kind of contact I want to have. Erm, I'd like to just see you this way and that.’ Well, it can raise hell in not everyone, but in some.

    Yes, exactly.

    A lot of people withdraw and get weird and suddenly you don't hear from them.


    Another thing is that it's also really difficult. You can't really explain to others what's happening there.

    No, you can't.

    Um. No matter how you explain it, it's going to sound, they're going to hear it as if there's something wrong with them

    or that there must be something wrong with you. You also have a hard time or you've always been a little strange and

    Yes, I live with that, you're like that or you know or they feel criticised you can't really formulate this for someone who is in a dualism that if we are together, we are a kind of alliance where we look after each other. And that means we also look after each other's softspots. There are things we can't get into previous areas of conflict that we leave alone and

    Mm. Erm.

    Yes, there are. Or just that

    not because you have to create conflict again, but there are these spots on the map.

    There's a lot that's unresolved.

    Yes, there are.

    Um. And you could say that what the soul actually does is that because it's a higher frequency what it brings opportunity with it is actually and that's where forgiveness comes. Forgiveness is not just you can easily forgive another person because I can see you are in survival so I forgive you for that in the sense that I don't take it personally while I move away from the relationship not


    It's not something that sometimes gets interpreted as I forgive you while you keep kicking me. I stay in the relationship. It's very misunderstood.

    You can easily stand there and say you should really see it more as you forgiving yourself for having contributed to that dynamic. Now I'm stepping out of it. So what happens over here I don't take personally. So the moment I walk out the door. I don't actually think about that person. I mean, I don't go in and think I've done something wrong, I've done something wrong. It's more like you've seen a pattern, so it's more like hey you go your way I go my way. When the soul impulse comes in, you can do it. There is an opportunity to do it knowing that you are taking up the layers that


    If hate comes up you have to deal with it. If anxieties come up. If it comes up Oh God, I'm also the worst person. Then of course you have to deal with it and deal with it. But here it's actually possible to let go of relationships without all that noise. That's because it's

    redemption lies in the soul impulse. And of course, that's also why it's almost impossible to redeem anything in relationships here on earth. And that's why there are so many islands you don't go to. Because many people also know that if you drag their parents into therapy or something else, you can try to talk about things that are difficult. But it's just as awkward next time. It's still such a cramp, and that's because it hasn't been released.

    So the next honour for humanity is actually more about us starting to release things, but it requires the soul impulse. Unless you get the soul impulse down, it's not really possible.

    That's the thing. To release them together.

    Yeah, that's right. Exactly. Solve it together.

    And it's actually being able to stand in the relational and then feel what is difficult to stay in it.

    Yes, that's right.

    And then say now we go in and work more energetically together.

    M. Yes, that's right.

    Instead of talking it to death. Both parties want to.

    It requires, it really requires that both parties want to. I wouldn't recommend doing it with someone who isn't, uh


    Well, they can't,

    because they have the free will to say, well, I don't want to work with something. I only see that you are the problem. If you had just done such and such and such, you wouldn't have hurt me and everything would have been fine. But then you can't, so there's no redemption, because there's no taking responsibility.

    So it will typically play out as if the other person demands that you admit to something or apologise, or you will never do X.

    Yeah, yeah.

    Erm. Because it hurt. On me. Mm.

    Or can't you see that when you say that, it hurts me. Um, but the mystery that we solved, that we spent time on, but which has also been solved, is that you can work with all that in your own system so that you're in a place where it doesn't bother you at all.


    And one of the reasons why it's difficult is that we have energy connections, sort of in the chakras. We have an exchange of, you could say, energy and plasma. People we are closely connected to

    and have been closely connected. So when you've tried not to say the word make up, but to say I go my own way and stand by it. There's nothing wrong with you, there's nothing wrong with me. You have your free will and I have free will and I have the right to say, now I want something else. Now I don't want to see you as much or in that way or it could be someone you've had children with who expects you to celebrate birthdays together, and you politely say no thanks. Then all sorts of things can come up. And some of it is actually things that have been learnt in the relational through polarity, through

    the dualisms that have existed.


    So what we have found out is that there are actually things in the energy system where you are energetically connected. Yes, yes.


    So you can go in and work with that and those.


    You can simply get hold of these discounts and quietly chop them out of the chakras and send them back. And I would also say that we have met some people who have found that there are some who have such aggressive energy that they try to push them back into you.

    That's right. You can simply cut them off and send them into what we call cor. We have to read Barbara Brenon, because that's your very deep layer, but send it into the person's soul and then patch the energy field in those places, because you come from a place where there may be a hole.


    And that means that your energetic integrity there in the energy body is compromised. So the chakra chakras can be penetrated, and there can be sails that have been smashed and things like that.

    And it's important to realise that there's actually that unkindness towards yourself when you see it, where you're like, phew, I can always be penetrated by someone, and it's completely uncomfortable just like that, and it becomes a bit of a paradox, because yes, in one way it's true, in another way it's also, it can actually only happen when you somehow allow it. And of course you don't consciously allow it,

    but that's because we come from a place where that was the way to be together.


    So there's nothing wrong with you being there.

    But it can be very scary to find that things that you start with heightened sensitivity and you find that people have a proboscis in your energy. That you can feel what they're feeling.

    That you can feel what they feel about you and it's really uncomfortable and you can't figure out is it me and you start thinking, is there something wrong with me?

    So there's a transition where it can be very scary in itself to realise that there's an energy exchange and you can feel what people think of you.

    Yes, it can be.

    But you can get there, and we've experienced that, you can get to the point where it's no longer a problem.

    Yes, you can.

    It takes a lot of work, but in that transition phase, you can be overwhelmed when someone is angry with you and goes and is furious with you and things like that.

    Yes, you can feel it. Then you can feel it.

    You can simply feel it. M

    and there are some phases we've found in it in terms of working on pushing people out of the field and raising the vibration of what they send in.

    Some of it has been having to go in and put a sample on between your hands and raise the frequency to understand what is the message? There are some messages I've missed for that person.


    And um, and then there's this one and that one and there it should be seen like this. You're not wrong when you come from there.


    But in the energy frequency ascension we're doing in the bodies, the body-souls, it's a transition. Then it's the work or it's the challenge to go from one, from one place to another.

    Yes, it's also a place that can be difficult because when you start standing in that place, you also wake up to the fact that there's an even greater responsibility that you had no idea about, because you've thought, who am I thinking about skimming over, it doesn't matter. But what you'll actually find out here is that when I start to worry about someone, it actually hits you if they You actually send you out and so and so and so and so then you can get a phase like that I couldn't take responsibility for when they realised

    I simply broke out in a cold sweat. I was just like that every time I had a thought, just like God I mustn't think I mustn't think I mustn't think I mustn't think I mustn't think

    Well, you can't, because that's just the way it is down here. So it's a messy business without equal but it's just when you start to wake up you realise the burden of responsibility can be enormous can suddenly be extremely overwhelming.

    But it's a horror to realise that we're mixed up with people we don't want to be mixed up with.

    Yes, and we're going to contribute to it ourselves.

    Yeah, well...

    So umm But it's just, it's just knowing, it's like, it's part of working through, getting to a place where it's not, yeah,

    where it's no longer a problem.

    But there's a phase where you think, s***,

    It should also be said that psychic powers vary incredibly much from person to person and what they bring with them.

    Yes, that's true.

    Um, a lot of people think all kinds of rubbish, and it doesn't, it doesn't come to fruition just because they think it. And I'd also like to say something about the relationship with

    such an alternative crease, if you think of something that manifests So, if it were that simple, then everyone would be so and plus it's hugely self-centred, so now I've just manifested the man standing next to me and looking in a certain way, so he's nothing in himself. So it's hugely self-centred, so

    we affect each other. It's true.

    And the core truth of it is that where you are vibrationally, if you don't want to go there, you're talking about attraction and repulsion. No, it

    it's more the same vibration. So when you have and it also works deep down.

    Yeah, it does. When you co-vibrate with someone also in in in in polarised m

    for example in anger and you agree that Putin is a rich bastard and you can sit and ram then there is the same vibration m

    in a polarity.

    Yes, exactly.

    So it works more like you amplify your field when you're with someone who has the same vibration.

    And if they are counter-polarised, then you can amplify each other through a conflict.


    So both of those things either make you clump together as a group or you clump together as a group against someone else.

    Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yes, that's also conspiracy theorist. And sometimes there's something on it that's sandy. It's not that, but it's more that you have to see, you have to actually understand. There really is a paradox here, that if the best way to deal with something out there that you feel has power over you or others is to work with your felt experience of someone having power over you. It's not going to war with that power. Because as soon as you're at war with it, and then there's something outside yourself, you create even more duality. Then you create even more friction between you and the others. So the worst thing you can do, if you're actually angry at the city, in relation to corona management, is to join a group with others who are like-minded and then you sit and scowl because you create a greater duality friction, you create more of what you don't want. So it's a bit the other way round. So what it really comes down to is actually taking that power, taking all that friction and figuring out, what do I do with this power? I think there's something in the world that can be improved. Okay, where do I put it? And then you have to actually use, you have to pull it up as power and then you have to put it into the world. Then you have to do something with it.

    But to sit in a group and just create friction that's not going anywhere. It just creates noise.


    So that's it and it's not it's not about me having something on corona and state or anything else. It's just that it's just that it's just such legality. It's also in relation to everything and grouping. Oh, that way of grouping, right? Sitting and being angry about 5G and whatever it is.

    Yes, exactly.

    We see a lot of alternative circles diving into groups like that, where they are enormously angry about something.

    Yes, that's right. And it may well be that there can be a shadow side to the alternative environment, which we also see in groups abroad.

    Yes. Yes. And it does conservatively, so all groups do it. The alternative groups are only mentioned here because they feel they can present themselves as if they're above it, but they do exactly the same as what they're complaining about or opposing, right?

    Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'd like to raise the bar a little bit here,

    because we have the different types of souls.


    And get a little bit into an alternative circle. If you really look into it, it's something like there are alien races like drac and then there are reptilians, and they invade us and everything like that. There's also this fear frequency again. Um. And there's really a lack of trust that you're protected in your field here.

    And a fear. And...

    I have to say, if you take Brenon's way of explaining it, it's the heart chakra. Lower frequencies, they split and then we go into the astral realm.


    But higher octaves of heart, they they uh they go up into another they they change.


    So it's not seen. So it's actually a matter of perspective, energy perspective, how you see it.

    Yeah, yeah, yeah.

    So if you're experimenting with astral travelling and going into these astral exploration groups and stuff like that, there's all kinds of crap about that.


    And there are things that exist energetically. That is to say, they are actually co-creators of, and I shouldn't be able to say, but it doesn't really matter, because I find that unless it's a problem, I think they are actually messing around in something astral. And astral is the energetic stuff of people


    er that are messing around.

    Yeah, yeah.

    Um and if you mess around in those layers and go on an astral journey, then you will then and take them in, then you're deep in the rabbit hole in relation to


    uh to the fear veins.


    you're going to contribute to what you're afraid of. You're going to create more of it.

    Well, let's put it another way, if there are such beings on the astral plane that you might encounter in dreams or something you're in deep meditation, something, something, something. And that means that there are all sorts of strange things on the st that you can mess around with.


    so the more you try to push them away, the more they will find you interesting. Yeah, yeah.

    So you're actually going to create a magnet exactly


    Um, but let's try to make a transition to the different types of souls.

    And it has to be said like this. It's just what we get back in.

    Uh, and it's probably a much more brutal universe, but still, to get a little bit and it's also inspired Linda Backman, we got these things in before she came in. Yeah, yeah, yeah,

    she just put some names on it, like who brought.

    She is a psychologist who has worked with regression for many, many years and has written a lot, you could say, gathered a lot of experience. And then we have Dolorus Cannon and their, they're also getting stuff in, but it's more messy. Her followers, quantum

    I can't remember what it's called. Um, but there are still some common denominators that are not completely off. But what we get is that there are some types.


    We have Interplanetary Souls or ips. And then we have Angelic Realm Souls.


    And again to get back to

    then Earthbound souls.

    Yeah. So Earthling Souls or Earthbound Souls. So Earthling Souls or Earthbound Souls,

    which we've actually rounded up.


    Um. But the other types of um are still, and I would recommend that we can send in some links to Bachman's some podcasts with her.


    And by the way, the one that talks about the recreation talks about before, her name is Carol Brown by the way, I think. Um.

    But to take the IPS.


    If you think of it like this, that the earth is under a possible ascension frequency, um, some people think that's also what we're getting, that there's more people coming in from other universes and planets.

    So, yeah. So, they've actually been through an evolutionary process.

    They actually come to contribute something relatively concrete, or it depends on what it is,

    a frequency or a skill or Yes.

    Yes. And it can be anything from trying to be more kind in everyday life.


    To something more profound. to some technological knowledge or how do you know how to be more sustainable or

    So then some of these people suddenly come up with you know, brilliant ideas. Why didn't you think of that before? The thing about it

    there are some of them that are going to

    very likely that they have it with them because they simply have their soul has it with them from somewhere else.

    If you look at Nicola Tesla's memories and read up on him and listen to documentaries about him then


    he got things in and he got his inventions in which he said well they came in from the top down as a completely complete invention, which he drew, and then he made it, and then it worked. And then it worked,

    that's kind of an extreme case of that.

    Yeah, that's a bit of an extreme case of that.

    Um, but he came up with so many things that we use today. He predicted the mobile phone, he predicted the mobile phone, and

    it's his the way that power works in the switch, it's his system. It's not Thomas Edison's island of direct current, it's actually away current that he found. He actually came up with some inventions that were confiscated by the CIA, I think it is,

    or the FBI, I can't remember. It was three letter uh institution. Uh, one of them was wireless power, and today some of these inventions are lost, but some of them live on.

    And um, he's he's he's maybe he was maybe an IP'er, I think he was.

    Mm. Also think.

    Erm. And it doesn't have to be that profound. It can also be that you go about your everyday life and feel and think, I simply can't understand why people are like this with each other. Why are they so unloving? Why do they slander each other? Why do they need to fight?

    It can be a feeling that you have a pain inside you. It can be that too. Magellic souls, I think it's even more pronounced, and we'll get into that too.

    But the experience that it doesn't make sense the way we are towards each other here. It's like there's something inside you that says it hurts inside and you see it and feel it.

    And you've somehow, you don't really know, you've been thrown into it. You've been submerged in this sauce or that, you've been put into this aquarium and you have to breathe

    air through this water with this pollution or that hurts inside you, and you're torn between feeling that it could be different, but no one else can really see it. It's like no one else, when you say it, it works, they might agree, but they do, they do it anyway. They keep doing it.

    It's like, yeah.

    Like you have a deep in knowing that it's possible to live together in a different way, but you can't, it can also be difficult for you, and for you it's just a nobrainer.


    But communicating it, because then it's really hard to understand and people are like that, you know it's like that, so when you try to communicate it, you just feel like you're shouting into a duvet or you feel like it's not going anywhere.

    So it can be a huge feeling of loneliness.


    Yeah, yeah. Um but anyway Bachman says well many of the Ips she describes don't all come with an Elon Mosk uh impulse uh if you were to put it that way. If he is one of those probably probably he might be we don't know but we don't have v checks generally we try to avoid going in and checking people too much because it interferes with their path. But

    yeah but not and that's also because we only have to check people if they ask for it

    so what I do is I feel I don't go into them but I go in and feel their radiance where I can often feel a pretty clear difference between

    uh but that but it's this wondering about it and there as an IP soul there you can have an impulse that well I must be able to be more loving or I must be able to be more kind or we must be able to give each other more or m

    It can't be right that we don't do that. And it's not that you necessarily have to go out and change the whole world. It can also be through the way you simply are in your closest relationships.


    And that's what we've been trying to find out. What does it do? Well, it anchors a different way of being here, a different vibration here

    that echoes out into the grid, into the energy grid and which, uh

    that gets anchored all the way down in that way as a new way of being here.


    And it should not be underestimated at all that it has a huge value.

    Huge, huge, huge, huge value.

    But at the same time, and this is so unfortunate, we see that, as Bman also tells us, you can renounce, that is, you can try to escape the life purpose that lies in it or your mission. You can do that too.

    M. Mm.

    Um. Partly because it's so painful to be here when you come from outside.

    Yes, it is.

    It hurts so much.


    And you can have a number of bodily symptoms that are close and intertwined. Backman also describes this. You can go in and look at that.

    Yes, you can. Yes, you can.

    And that it can be extremely difficult to digest some of the digestion of food, so yes.


    because they come from something where it's no longer necessary.

    Yes, yes. There can be uh my favourite and interesting example is David Grush who was a whistleblower on UFO. He's autistic and he says so himself and he uh there are some of those possibly with autism who have a kind of defence where they tell the truth no matter what.


    And then it's so very square, but on the other hand, they insist that it's the truth.


    There can also be some IP about it sometimes.

    I don't see everyone with autism having it, but no,

    there are some places where you think it's more to give a sense of what we're doing. But the big difference between coming from the outside, either as an angelic or as an IP, which could come from elsewhere in the universe, is that you can see there's something wrong here and I feel somehow I have to do it, or I can't live like this, or I want to do something about it, or I have to contribute to this in some way, and then it's actually about figuring out, how do I contribute to it?

    That's what it's all about.

    And then you can end up contributing to it through a lot of struggle, which may not be the wrong way to contribute, so it's actually been, you know, cooked into this primordial soup of human survival.

    And that's actually not why I was here. I wasn't meant to be, you know, balled into it. But I had to find another way to get that frequency down through the way I am.

    Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then it actually becomes relevant how I live it in everyday life and take responsibility for it, right?

    Exactly. Exactly.

    And the clean-up work is not because you've necessarily screwed up in many lives. You may have done that, but it's actually getting that frequency into a body that has been inherited through both parents, but also the whole body-soul way of functioning in a different way.


    So there's more work in it, and it can be the work in itself and then living it in everyday life.

    Yeah, yeah.

    And it will be very subtle, and you might find that people around you don't notice it.



    But you know that you know you're there when you're there.

    Mm. I feel like there was a NASA here where the director of NASA, they sent up the James Web Telescope not too long ago, so they spent 10 billion dollars of 70 billion Danish kroner to send it up. It was sent about three times as far away as the month in order to be able to look into deep space. And one of the fascinating things is that there are galaxies, galaxies, galaxies, no matter how deep you look.


    And um, in relation to life in space, NASA says: ‘We've discovered that there are billions of galaxies, and each galaxy probably contains a billion planets that are inhabited. That's billion times billion.

    There's plenty of life.

    Just keep in mind that life might not actually be so it will be different, but m

    That is, we haven't finally proved it, but we've kept our minds open to the fact that there are habitable planets. And we're talking about heart science, we're talking about the fact that a planet has been found about 100,000 years light years away and it's not very far away, and you can see that it has the elements in it when you analyse the light, you can see that it has something that is actually only a signature for carbon-based life forms. It's some carbon dioxide or something and I'm getting too deep into my scientific knowledge, but I would say that when NASA says that, they don't say there's life, but they say there's a very high probability that there actually is.



    So life as we understand life as humans, right?

    Well, yes. Well, yes. But when you look at such a deep deep ocean and look at myads and life forms,

    that can live in the Mariana Trench 6 kilometres down or just one kilometre down


    without light. When you look at life forms that thrive where there are volcanic vents at a depth of one kilometre, where the water is 200 degrees Celsius and there are worms that live in it. There are life forms, what we call extremophiles, that live in acid and stuff like that, so it starts to become a bit of a scientific mindset, it's called The Drake Formulation, that the probability of life is very, very unlikely that there is no life out there.

    It would be very, very unlikely.


    Even if you haven't been able to crack the code of how life arises. Erm.

    Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's possibly also a question of frequency. I mean, what frequency are you looking from, right?

    Mm. And I think it's important to keep it a little open


    that it may well be that there's a breakthrough and suddenly God realises that there's something out there that's different from us.


    And back to the whole maturing of the soul thing. Well, I've really only taken care of myself. I'm in the narcissistic psychopathic when you're a child, that's normal. But you go through some phases and then you realise God I have empathy, there are others. God yes, there's also a family suddenly and you realise there's also a group I'm part of. And then it starts to spread until you see a community and you suddenly see humanity and suddenly you see humanity as a family among planets, which may also have

    that what we do on earth also has an impact on the cosmos, and what happens in the cosmos has an impact on earth.


    And then we come to these IP souls. And...

    I don't think we should go into details because it's so diverse what it could come from and what your background could be.

    Yeah, yeah. You could read up on Linde Backman. She has many regression therapies with IPS, where the person themselves

    comes back and describes what it looks like, and then if you're interested in it,

    then go and dive into it. Yes. The important thing is that you can actually read a lot, and then you can be like, yes, that's it. But that's not actually where the truth comes from. It actually comes before it will be revealed to you in the doses that you're ready for it.

    Mm. Exactly.

    So you don't go insane on being weird or whatever.

    Yeah. And what and more again there with so not actually, it's actually to anchor you in life here.


    It's actually just to say that I have something with me that I also want to live.

    The point. Yes, that's the point.

    So it's actually not the point to pull you out of your body and away. Here away from the point is actually to get you to be more f****** alive here,

    because that's the way you front your frequency, your gifts and what you have with you.

    So it's actually more to say, well okay, there's something you can read about it, but it's not your truth. It's not that. That's not it's not it's not it which is just to say that. Then there's angelic realms. Are we have we rounded the IPs enough?

    Yeah, I'd say so.


    Angelic, yes. So you might say with IPs, the way she describes it is that if you as in if you if you if if if there is a soul who is an IP, that is, who comes from an illusion realm on another planet and comes in, then they will be, they will be quite highly advanced. So again, it's not a hierarchy, but they're here to anchor something typical or a skill someone's frequency or something, where you can say some of those who are earthbound, well, they're here to take part in the cycle, where you can of course also be advanced, but

    it's just a slightly different journey. And so there are slightly different vulnerabilities and challenges depending on there's nothing that's better than anything else, but there are just that there can be some different hickups to be aware of. On. And then there's Angelic Grm.

    Yes, there's Angelic Grm. Do you want to say something about that?

    Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, because it's the angelic realm, you could say, and we have a feeling that angels are in the Bible and everything else. Um, so we've had a feeling it's the angelic realm. And as I understand it, the angelic realm is really very advanced beings who have been here for onsons of time. They

    haven't normally been human, have they?

    No, they haven't been human. So they don't typically incarnate. You could say as the earth has had more light on it through its evolutionary cycle, you could say it angelic in consciousness, right?

    Yes, angelic in consciousness. Light in consciousness. Yes, exactly.

    Um, so you could say there may well be what we call angelic frequencies available, which is also what you can see, many, many people can actually feel when they, when they, you know, talk to their guides and stuff. There's nobody around them.


    So it's become, you could say, it's like in the last about maybe 2030 years. It's become easier to reach out and ask for relief, comfort via angelic energy. So you may well have a soul that feels deeply connected to angelic frequencies. Well, because they're accessible, it's really because they're almost like a cosy blanket that you can just put on when you're out and about, that is, when you're close to the ground. So in that way, no frequencies are accessible. It's not quite the same as a human being wanting to be an angel soul, because they don't seem to incarnate so much because

    there is someone here.

    There are some here, there are not that many. There might be more coming. It could be that consciousness has risen to a certain point now on earth, and that means that angelic frequencies can actually get closer. So it's a hypothesis that there will actually be more people incarnating for angelics. But it's a bit hard for angelic souls to incarnate.

    Yeah, it is.

    It's a lot,

    how does it feel for an angelic soul to experience being here? Now I talked about this thing of experiencing what it's like. What what what do you struggle with? What's what's right next to it?

    It's very difficult to um there's a lot of an angelic soul will take a lot of blame because there's such deep compassion and such an elaborate understanding of suffering and such a deep desire not to alleviate suffering, but to relieve suffering. A very deep compassion. So when it comes down to the human body, it can be very difficult to get hold of the darkness, i.e. the power, i.e. the primal power, i.e. your killer instincts, because it's so far away,

    So living a human life can be difficult, really difficult for an angelic creature.

    An angel bug,

    an angel bug. It's really hard. So there are some lessons in that. Um. And there's a uh there's a danger that that angelic soul has to go through a trial of going through a period of actually being on the edge of almost being wiped out or dying to become one up. Because whether the person realises whether you have an angel or not, you're going to have a lot of light with you and you're going to be giving this light away all the time or being eaten by others. So you actually have to learn something about boundaries. You actually have to learn how to delimit yourself. And it feels extremely unnatural with an angelic frequency because that's not how, that's not how it works. So in the angelic realms, that's how they've come to a development where it's almost like they meet each other. Because they belong to a common consciousness group, and then they also share their unique frequency. So it's like they're doing beautiful co-creation. And it's telepathic communication, so it's just not crossing boundaries is not an option.


    It's simply not an option, because you have complete transparency. You know exactly where the other person is. You know exactly, well, it's always free. You can say on and off. It's completely okay. And stuff like that. So the fact that that's how you are is really what you know is possible to be like that,

    but then it comes down through a human body, you know, where there's hate and jealousy and you act like a three-year-old. You can't, you have a hard time relating to your own darkness and at the same time also delineating other people's. So it's a hassle. And I would say

    the angelic souls you work with, can you tell us a little about the process or what their what what what is their development so where do they come from and what happens?

    I experience that no souls right now, I can only speak for right now and I haven't worked with that many, but the ones I work with, I have an experience that if you incarnate as an angelic soul, you're not here. Well, it's like your life path because your energy field affects the energy field of the earth. So you incarnate because the way you live helps the evolution of the earth. So it's more of a sacrifice. You actually go down. So you're here, right? Whereas souls, also IP souls, but very much Earthbound Souls, they're also here for their person. Personal soul development.


    They incarnate for the soul to mature. An angel soul does not do that. An angel soul doesn't moon through earth evolution, because it's much further along. It sounds like it's better. It's not, it's just a completely different creature. So it comes down here to contribute that consciousness, that light, to help the earth's evolution. But it is via the lived life. So it can feel like I'm under a lot of pressure. I have something important to do. I have something important to do. I have something important to do. But the important thing is not what you do in the world. It's not, it's not what kind of business you do, how many children you have. It has, it has nothing to do with that. It has to do with you getting a hold of that frequency and recognising that you carry that frequency, and then actually how you anchor it in that leadership life. And in that, you can get lost, and it can be so difficult for you, because you don't have anyone it's so hard to find someone to mirror yourself in, because there aren't very many.


    So what they have again is that there's no one thing that's better than another. But each grouping just has their own vulnerabilities or hickups or difficulties if you like, right?

    Yes, they do.

    And that's also why when we talk about soul it can be quite important. So the reason why it's important that you kind of find out or are curious about opening up for input. So where do I come from my soul impulse and stuff like that. Why am I here? It has nothing to do with others. It has nothing to do with hierarchies. It has nothing to do with seeing me. It has nothing to do with that. It has to do with how you are present here. And when and that memorialises suffering. The memorialising suffering that you find out who the f*** you are as a soul and live it, because there are so many roads that just fall away because you don't go out, there's a bunch of people doing that. But I'll do that too. I'll do it over here too. I'll do it over here too. So when we try to look at how other people live, we try to take it in, it's not safe their ways at all. There are so many flavours on earth. It's absolutely insane.


    So you actually have to find the answer from the inside out.

    That's all, but I would say to a large extent, where the earthling soul can get a lot out. I mirror a little bit and try some different things. If you're an angelic soul, then it comes from the inside out. M

    If you try to copy for someone and learn something, then you will only create more suffering for yourself.

    I'll tell you more about the thing about people kind of eating your light. How does that manifest itself in relationships?

    You're going to automatically have an over-responsibility.

    Yes, you will.

    Because you quickly gain an understanding, because it's second nature for you to understand. You quickly realise where a person might be a little offended and whatnot, and of course you also have your own development period, right? With your own hiccups of puberty and everything like that. Of course, you also have a human part, right? But yes, but it's as if you quickly realise that it's difficult and don't understand why it's difficult, so I avoid that. So you get you get you get you get you get to bend and adapt because you are very aware of avoiding creating suffering in others.


    But it also means that if someone else doesn't take on their development path, you have to constantly adapt to make sure that it doesn't hurt the other person.

    And then you can wear yourself out.

    Then you illuminate something in a special way in others where they ask to be illuminated in a way where they feel comfortable because the darkness in them, which is unconscious and which

    is problematic, they don't want to have something like that illuminated.

    Yeah, that's right. Yes, exactly. So that means that you

    can you give an example?

    Well, the example could be a family dynamic, and you can see exactly, you can see how your mum is triggered, where she's at, and you can see what she needs. You can see what she's hurt, what she's not getting, what she's not moving on, what she's not filling herself up. And then you can see you come in and then the more you're going to take responsibility for others because you can see that, you're going to take your light. And give, for example, be a mum or a dad. We avoid those areas where I ask about these areas where I see that you flower up and you light up. So you see that you are constantly delivering it to others who just like that that just awakens their island relieves their pain and avoids the places where they actually should have maybe actually should have a little resistance to become uh to become courage right?


    And at the same time you're also a bit of an outsider because you the things like like like like

    if you incarnate as an angel then things don't make sense to you. Status doesn't make sense to you.

    No, it doesn't.

    Um. Stuck rituals don't make sense to you. There are so many things about being human that don't make sense to you. So you want to live differently.

    So already there you can get, you know, discomfort. Why do you live like that? And things like that. So you have to, you have to kind of pack that away too, right? So you're just very different.

    If you ask for advice from your soul or from your guides here, can you be challenged? Because if it's someone who hasn't tried being human, I would say that where you're really challenged is that you realise that you're being guided by yourself, by your own higher self.


    Um, and you can say and and and the problem is, if you're an angel, you're kind of told that you're not here to be human. So the actual problem, you're trying to be a human. That's actually not the plan.


    Others are here to try to be human and through the senses and stuff like that. But typically as an angel, you're not supposed to be human. You're actually meant to live the different frequency down here, right?

    Yes, you are.

    So it's something about boundary setting. And that translates to where you actually give your light and where you actually give your attention.

    Yeah, yeah, yeah.

    So there's actually something about holding your frequency. So there's actually some angels angels are actually deliciously close to. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

    Because they uh and and especially angels who take on their expansion path cleaned up because of course angels can also be cluttered with personal stuff, and they can also get angry and they can also blame and stuff like that. Of course, because they're also in a human so they also have ancestral dued trauma and all that. But if you have an angelic person who actually takes care of their s***, which they will typically do because they have so much pressure,

    so they'll be thinking, where did I go wrong? Where even they will constantly look at their own responsibility.

    They will look at their own responsibility. So they'll actually be, they'll be very open and have a nice open field and be quite positive, and they'll be a bit exciting, and they'll ask questions, and you know, so they're quite nice to be with.

    Yeah, yeah, yeah.

    So if all of a sudden if this simple bass bass started saying like that and all of a sudden wakes up in like pu I have to hold my light and I have to I have to actually use this light to anchor an impulse and I have to sit a lot in meditation or I have to sit a lot be in touch with my guides or I have to actually withdraw too much because it drains me and live in a different way. So you start saying no thanks to things, then people can get really angry because they've become accustomed to them sitting and moaning about it on the light.

    Yes, a way where you lift them and they just lift themselves over

    Yes, but they don't do anything to stay they just let themselves be lifted and get used to it


    Yeah, yeah, yeah.

    So they can get used to it. Yes, and

    you can be born into a family where you have to like

    where you have to go through a process where you have to discover

    Yeah, yeah, yeah

    that you've actually been the light in the family and you will What I can see with some of those I've worked with as incarnated angels is that because you don't come down here to mature your own soul, you don't. That is, you come down here. So you come down here to make an impact. You come down to say that you're here for a purpose that will help humanity and the development of the planet in the short life path you're on, right? So that also means that they would typically have put on some weight.

    Uh, so you can get an angel who is born into a family with very dysfunctional family dynamics.


    Where that family has both used no one to you know the projection teacher and at the same time and and use them use use this angelic baby um in a way where they avoid taking responsibility for their own life. M

    and when the person starts to speak up, then there's just a community that picks on them, right?

    Then they get heaped on by a heavy tongue, so to speak. Polarised frequencies in terms of either you're with us or against us.

    Yes, exactly. Exactly. Not so and there you can see that it helps a lot for an angel to realise that it's not so much what we call an angel. It doesn't really matter, but for one who feels and realises Yes. Why am I here, feeling and sensing that power and feeling that impulse and feeling like okay how am I going to anchor this? Because then a lot of things in the history of human suffering suddenly make sense.

    And then

    then it makes sense ah okay but it moves me from not participating in and it ah this because ah okay so some of that stuff only makes sense in the bard state, that is, the middle life, that there is one because

    what I can see is that some angels are actually involved in some family constellations where just the fact that they have been part of it has had a huge impact in these people's lives without the angelic base even realising it because it's just in the field it's nonverbal and that but that some of the people only discover it when the person dies and then see it in the intermediate stages where it's called live review and they see what it's like to be in a field of such an angelic base, what they've done that can actually allow them to take a huge maturity leap in the next incarnation.


    So I was more like saying, if you're an angelic bass, then you actually have to look at a wider range, because your life and the suffering you feel doesn't make sense. And then you just want to leave. You just want to grab a rope and get it over with, right?

    One small detail I should mention is that IPs can be incarnated on earth a few times and a number of times.


    But they can and otherwise they can also be pressurised for something else.


    it's also just to say that we just have to remember that. Just remember that you can have incarnations here on earth and still have the other perspective through it.

    Yes, you can.


    the way Linde Bman describes it with IP souls, she says that

    IP-souls also have a soul development down here.

    Yes, they do.

    But they have more of a function to support

    the development of the earth. So it's both. But they definitely also come to help with a skill or a frequency or something. And she, what she can see through many of her regressions is that it seems to be that IP souls would have 50 max 50 lives or less incarnations on earth.

    And sometimes not at all and some of them have

    Yes. Yes. Yes. But between one and 50 lives approximately, right?

    Yeah, yeah, yeah.

    Where you could say, if you're an earthbound soul, and you get up and be the goods, then you might have had several thousand lives, right?

    Another thing we've also learnt that I think is interesting is that Ga is also a transformation.


    And so it's become very focussed on humans and human development. But Gaja is actually undergoing a transformation. And there's something about this stone or whatever living being we're flying around in space on has its own uh


    Yeah, yeah, yeah. And has its own island transmutation in it.

    Yes, and has its own island transmutation in it.

    And there is an island where some influential things happen out in the world play themselves out where you have to have a little sharp eye if you can see what's happening. My scepticism has been great because I'm focused on what kind of disorder is happening? I don't see any movement, but I see, and then you actually see periods when it flares up.


    But then you also see at the same time, and this is one of the things we've noticed, that operating in the dark in a hidden, manipulative way is getting harder and harder.

    Yes, do it.

    Obviously, there are technologies that are at play here in relation to Russia's invasion, for example.

    People shared on Twitter and various other things that they're running troops down. Um, the whole idea when Germany went into Poland, they made a false flag and said, well, Poland had attacked us first. They hadn't.

    And so the European countries were like, should we do something?


    Um, but this claim that Ukraine did something first, so to speak, I'm not going to go into the history, but it's the claim that they were the aggressor because they did something. But you could see that it was obvious to everyone that the Russians had just run down troops.


    So when they go in, those who have analysed it and those who have followed it, they know it's probably going to happen.


    Um. A lot of the things that are happening uh because of social media, but also because things are flying around more. They're harder, it's harder to operate in the shadows if you like.

    Yeah, yeah, yeah.

    So there's more and more pressure on those who are in the cunning manipulative island stage. There is more and more pressure.


    Um, it's getting harder to carry out your plans.


    Um, and that's simply because there's more consciousness coming in. There are waves of consciousness coming in.


    And those things can also, for those of us who are where we have opened up to it, be experienced as coming in as an influx into the system and actually creating some transformation.


    And we could talk a bit about the transformation in terms of the symptoms that can occur, transmutation symptoms, if you will. And we've experienced many of them, but you could at least say we could divide them into mental, biological or physical and at least emotional symptoms.


    So in the last half hour here, I think maybe we should discuss some of the symptoms that can occur.

    Mm. How long have we been talking now, really?

    One hour and 45 minutes.

    OK, OK, OK, OK.

    We can we can we can we can at least just round it off.


    Erm. Or another 15 minutes. Let's see how long it takes.

    But at least mentally, you may experience a strong challenge to your beliefs and worldview when it hits. And there can be a feeling of momentary insanity where you simply can't get your grips around stuff when something comes in.

    What more can we say about that? Um.

    Well, there's basically an upgrade happening. So what you're going through, that's your mental limb. You have to have all your mental beliefs, which are like teenage beliefs, well, they have to evolve. So you get maxed out, and there's a rush of thoughts and you can think you're insane and you don't know, you don't know, you basically don't know where to stand. And then there's the emotional limb, which is also running, which is also where you know all the unresolved, unresolved things and actually, uh, emotions, old old traumas about it can both for this life, past lives, it can be in the it can be in the family line, and you don't actually know how much you as a soul have taken on, because you start to open up to it, so it can come pouring in.

    And then there's the body.

    And then there's the body. Um. I'd say there can be a huge amount of fear trails. A lot of fear and anxiety that can come up in many flavours. And you know you're starting to be exhausted when you start to feel physical symptoms, but you no longer have anything on it. You just feel that there's a burning headache because the crown opens up, or you can have a thin stomach, or you can almost feel like you have the flu, so you work with that. And you can feel that there's a lot of physical discomfort that eases when you work with it. So now we're helping each other, and you can also work with us, or however you work to ease it. Um, um,

    but whoever can help you with that, you have to feel for yourself if it works.

    Yes, exactly. Exactly, exactly.

    Just look

    Exactly. But when you work through it, when you can say it's as if the body is the last bastion. It's like very much like thoughts give birth to feelings, feelings give birth to thoughts. So when you have memories of early life, or there's a situation with your family that keeps bothering you, and you have a thought structure about it, and you get thoughts, and you get angry and stuff like that. When you lick, when you let go of the thought pattern and go down and feel your body, there can be anger, there can be hatred, there can be sleeping and you kind of go through it until there's a silence. Okay, then the next one comes up. It can be a different situation for work. Then you just keep going, and then all sorts of memories come up, where some feelings come up, like memories in the thought structure, where some feelings get attached. At some point, when you're relatively exhausted from that, your body starts to ache. And then there's just, and what it feels like it's really deep, deep fear that sits in the cells, but you just don't feel fear. You just feel huge discomfort in your body,

    and then you cleanse out of it, cleanse out of it, cleanse out of it, cleanse out of it, cleanse into it, right?

    Um. So it's a longer process, but you can see it as three layers, and it's not, it doesn't last. Of course, as long as you're embodied, you can bump into something that just awakens something. But it feels like it's very intense for a long period of time, and then it's as if it starts to reverse until you start to feel better or it's easier. There's more calm, there's more peace, there's more joy, there's more laughter, there's more ecstasy, there's more everyday life with your partner, with your children,

    life becomes easier, and then you hit

    the workplace can

    and the workplace too. Yes, exactly. Um, and it's as if these past life things were a phase. In the sense that the things that were included have not been


    Yes, they have.

    The insights have been transformed, and what was included, it's like past lives, like I'm not going to rule out something coming, but for a long period of time, a year or so, nothing has been added to it.

    No, it hasn't. And that is, when it started, they just came in. I mean, you know,

    they were pouring in, um...

    for a year or so, I think, there was a lot of work with past lives. Yes, and you can get caught up in trying to understand it, but sometimes it's the mental part where you actually have to stand there and not understand it. And then the meaning appears as someone on the other side. So there's actually also something about being able to be calm in your mind and not really understanding what's happening.

    Yes, it's actually quite crucial because, let's say we were something like that in our previous lives. We need to train as regression therapists. And then we need to focus on helping people with past lives because for a while it kept coming up between us. There were past lives, past lives, past lives. The whole, it was just pouring in, but we were just with it, and you tried to write them down, but funnily enough it got deleted because the computer crashed, right?


    And that's interesting for something that was so overwhelming, that took up so much space, and it wasn't something like, no, I had such a nice life where I sat and ate apples and drank wine and chatted with my lovely family. Well, it was something like, you've become a butcher, you became a board. So it was quite violent, it was violent. So it was the violent experiences that had to be dealt with and integrated, right? So it wasn't a pleasant experience, I wouldn't say, but it was also exciting,

    you know. But it's as if it filled our entire consciousness for a very, very long time. It's as if that chapter at some point it didn't come up anymore.

    No, I can ask to remember the things that were there, but there's no charge on it anymore. It's like it's completely calm.

    Yeah, yeah.

    Um. And that's kind of the same feeling I have with the things we've worked through in relation to my everyday life and my relationships and family and all that.

    Do you feel the same way?

    Yes, I do.

    That I can think about them without getting caught up in them. I can feel it. I can get away with it. Actually.

    It doesn't bother me. It doesn't bother me when I go to sleep.

    No, it doesn't.

    Um. Um, so it's the same way with past lives is the country.

    Yeah. Um...

    Um, in such a way that it's no longer a thing that's necessary, and it just doesn't come up like that, because you can always come up with something,

    but it doesn't. Um, and then there have been the inter or interpersonal things, and then there was a phase where, um, what happens at work, anxiety, you know, like, will I get fired if I do that? And if I speak up or stand up for myself and say no to a task, or if I insist that I want to do this, even though there's a manager who wants me to do something else and stuff like that. And then I practice staying in my lane and holding on. I don't experience that at all, so it's like coming to a place where you can stand, okay, now I kind of know how to stand in the world.


    Um. And live it. And it doesn't feel separate, so I have a spiritual life and then I'm at work and someone else.

    I don't.

    I live, my soul lives through the kind of chief consultant who does welfare technology and innovation with some companies and stuff like that. I live it, I'm still there and live from the deep heart, I feel. Um, but I don't have this anxiety about whether it's going to break or carry, or there's someone in the project who thinks something, and someone thinks something else, and then there's a group where there's someone who starts not doing their work, and then the anxiety about what's going to happen and stuff like that. There's more of a calmness. But okay, then I talk to him and say, you know what, if you don't resonate with it, that's okay too. Then I find the moment he drops the project, and because he's not there, and it's okay, then someone else comes forward and says that it's something for me, and suddenly the group has changed, and there's nothing on it, and I can say it up the line without there being anything on it, because I have nothing on it.


    So that concern, oh, what are they not important? But then, on the other hand, we have some others with us, and then we realise that we simply shift the focus a little bit here professionally.

    Before, this would be something that would be difficult to deal with, but it's not.


    So I actually find that there are some things like that, i.e. there are some interpersonalising difficult relationships that you get to a point where or we have come to a point where we can stand in it.


    And when you can stand in it, and you're neither reactive, so you don't get the urge to push yourself into others, nor do you feel that you have to let them push you, because you can actually stand in it like that, so there's no way into something in a back and forth push pull, then they start to relax and let go, and then the drama is over.


    Then there's no real drama, so they can blow up, and they get angry, but you don't feel like they're stuck with you afterwards.


    You can, you can get a little bit in, which you then raise, and then you let it go.


    Five minutes later it's gone. So all this stuff that was lying around, it's like, you can get to a place where you're actually standing and it's not, it's not a thing.


    So you become very hard to shake off the stick on things that used to make you really worried.


    And it's just a message to say that it's not to make us better than others, but to say that there's light at the end of the tunnel, and it can feel really difficult to stand in such a dark night of the soul, where something comes in, and it all feels like it's falling over, and what am I going to do with this and that, and what about the relationship, and what about my child, just in case my ex is trying to alienate and narcissist or something, and you think it's going completely wrong. You can get through all those fear trails where you can stand there and say, okay,

    uh, the soul of the child has an impulse to do things. If I'm completely clean,


    I can stand in a way where the child can actually be in one room and the other. And figure out how to navigate. Either the child has to go on their own soul journey here and go into the darkness, and then it's up, or they feel the bubble and the home I create and thrive in those frequencies.


    And and mature in it. And it's such a big choice for a soul, if you will. So it's actually, if you go that way and you're in that situation, we meet people who do.


    Um. Then there's also a recognition that it's actually the tree out of the whole earthling way of the old earthling way, the old way of being together and into the New Earth or the new way of living life here.


    And that's, that's a very big choice.

    Yes, it is, it is.

    Um. Erm. And you can say that the child will always be characterised by standing in it. So you can't take that away from them.

    No, you can't. Because they are born in the time when you have one foot in the old and you have one foot in the new that hasn't been created yet.

    Yes, they are. And you're in the process of creating the new.

    Yes, you are.

    And everyone is in that transition. But if you have some narcissistic traits or psychopathic traits that alienate you and do all kinds of things to the child and worry, you know, that's just an extreme version of what's already going on.


    Yeah, yeah,


    So, I'll just look at our list here and see if we've rounded off what we want to do today. Yes, we have. So it looks like we've been through, what do we understand by soul, what is it important to relate to types of souls, IPs, earth souls, angel souls, how to avoid making comparisons. Right. Let's talk a little bit about how to avoid comparing yourself

    in order to So that's maybe also a question.

    Yes, that's another question. So the way you avoid comparing yourself, the best way and the only way, is to own your frequency.

    Because the moment you're living who you are, you don't have then you're living your unique tone. And when you live your unique tone, then you enjoy, you're just like, no, there's another unique tone over there. How wonderful.

    Because then there's no, there's no one, you're only going to compare yourself when you're trapped in the fear that you're not enough yourself.

    That's right.

    And when you know who you are, then enough is enough. So that's just the way it is. And then it's enriching to see the unique tones of others.

    And you can live from the heart from many places. You can see that if such a wonderful dog comes running up to you. And it

    that it's pure heart love. Erm.

    And you can feel that it's there.


    It's not a question of intelligence or maturity. You can live for your heart no matter where you are.


    Mm. So the challenge is when more consciousness comes in, and it hits all these things that are there, then that's when it happens, right?

    Well, that's when you have to deal with it.

    So you have to take care of it. And there are some of us who said yes to it at some point before we came down here, and who feel like it's being pushed into us, and then we're in resistance like a pingo who sits and sulks and says, I don't fucking bother. I don't

    married me a lot of resistance.

    Yes, you do. And um, and you can sit there and have Yes. Can you tell us a bit about the resistance you can experience there?

    Jam, but it's like that, something like that can come up. I can't be down here, and I'm too sensitive, and the world is cruel, and I haven't agreed to be here, and I don't want to be here anymore. The earth is too hard, there are so many things that can come down.

    And when you're in it, it sounds like, you know, right now I also have to be nice to us former selves, right? But...


    but when you're over when you're overwhelmed by the fact that you think it's all sad and heavy and black and people are disgusting and there's so much hate and there's so much, when you're there, it's something about overwhelming and then you can feel like, I can't, I can't, I can't handle being here on earth. I feel, I don't feel at home here. I think it's enormously you pleasantly feel lonely and it's disgusting that I've just also discovered that you can get through a face so good

    because there's also something about it, like you can end up with a higher octave that you sit with a friend and complain about someone else

    Yes, it's more like complaining about the shawl's input and yes, but just like that, so it's like complaining about life and stuff like that

    don't want to take responsibility for

    no don't want to take responsibility you have chosen to come down well


    so it's a higher octave of responsibility of complaining

    it's such a grumble up the line

    shit I've been pissed off on the right myself and guided and that and and and I've also sat at the same time as I sit and pissed off so I can also laugh myself that seems kind of silly not

    but when you're in it, it's very serious

    Yes, it's very serious

    you can also have a meme where there's a meme where there's a meme where there's a meme where there's a needle running between I'm a piece of s*** and I'm a divine being

    you can have these spiritual ones in a depressive state where you get into a deep depression because when the light hits something in you that's difficult it suddenly fills everything and then you can't feel the light

    m and then you also feel as if you have no self-esteem you You are worthless. You are not, you can't do anything. You are nothing.

    And you're just, you're, you're a bad person. You can't figure anything out.

    Everything just poops out all at once.

    And then when you suddenly have a peak experience, a soul impulse, you realise that you're f****** powerful and can create universes.


    And you have to be careful not to get too grandiose about it.

    Yeah, yeah, yeah.

    So there's also the possibility of getting inflated by it and becoming self-important and creating your own little group that everyone knows a leader who looks up to because you kind of inflate yourself.


    And then you kind of pump the group energy into the lower chakras while you're driving the right ones.


    And at the same time, you're like a dozen around it.


    Unfortunately, we see that a lot in groups.

    Yes, we see that a lot in groups.

    That you give your power away in this way. And...


    typically on that island what we do another podcast about, you could say the traps in New Age alternative circles.

    Yeah, yeah, yeah.

    What there is, in our opinion, is that you can get caught in a kind of self-importance that you don't realise, where you think you're more evolved than others.

    You're more awake than others.

    You're more awake than others. And that somehow gives you a special position to teach or explain things to others. Or and then you feed on the fact that there is someone who buys into it.


    And if it's a man, he'll end up with some kind of pig at some point, because he can't navigate all the female female attention that's in there.

    M. Mm.

    Um. Or or or or or in other ways like that It's hard especially for men to handle. Women are actually better at saying better at handling, but men are really uh

    they don't transform that expensive deep darkness, because a lot of them end up there.

    Yeah, yeah, yeah.

    And they sit and talk about not having an ego in a group, where they themselves sit and lecture about how now you have an ego, and now we're going and you don't want to hug and stuff like that. You have to hug, and you can feel that if you don't want to hug, you're like that, you're not open, and then you have ego, and then you have dark energies with you, and then you get slandered. And things like that. Things like that.

    Yes, it's a rat's nest.

    It's a rat's nest. So you have to be aware that when you choose groups or relationships, you can get into new relationships that seem to be love andorns and rainbows, but underneath it all there's an undercurrent that we have to adapt to this tribal dance where we're all free, and if you don't stand and move softly and femininely and be in the feminine pole, then we can say you have some work to do, right? And you can sense that there are some people who have a higher status, who are more in the thick of it.

    It has its own hierarchies, and it doesn't

    Yes, it does,

    The problem is that hierarchies in the business world can also be extremely oppressive and annoying and everything. The problem is more that there are a lot of hierarchies, and there's a lot of power shifts, but people say that it's not there, that we've kind of cancelled it. But it is there

    it and there's actually nothing wrong with hierarchies. That's actually how the universe is shaped in hierarchies.


    Um. But it's not something that arises by choice. It makes it arise out of

    So the big shadow is that we're free of this. We've realised something others haven't.


    and by implication, we are better. Erm

    and uh you just come to us and there's a buffet of breathwork and retreat and you just take ash and you just do this and that and if you listen if it's Katie Byron or whatever and then you'll find that these people have phases where they all where interested in it, or it's this, or it's that, and then there's a newsletter about this energy coming in, and now you have to listen to it, and you have to, um, and then there are new diet books, and then you have to have wombing and some womb tribal mum, and then you can't eat meat, and then you have to everything. So I see unfreedom in that.


    Um, but let's get into that on another postgrad. It was just to say, be careful who you choose to interact with. That if they give you ø do they respect your freedom to be exactly the frequency you are and what you are to express or is it a new prison that makes you believe that they're a lofty place?

    Mm. And that you kind of have to copy their place space and speak into that philosophy, whether it's m

    and typically there's some kind of locked structure around it, or it has to be a certain way or something, and that's where you can end up shopping around a lot. And there are probably some people can probably find some beautiful things, but that's just to say that the dark side

    is that you can get caught up in it.


    why don't we, erm, why don't we round it off quietly?

    Yeah, I think so. I think we've covered all our points.

    Yes, we have. So the exciting thing is that when you get to the place where you kind of say okay now I'm living my frequency as a gift, who do you get together with and what do you do then? And it's not just creating. It's also being.

    Mm. Um, it's also just being together.

    It's also just being together.

    It becomes not so important what you do together, but how you feel when you're together. And


    rejoice. And you can do that, we've made sure of that, you can actually create a small little family out of it.


    Where there is a field of acceptance and diversity, but there are still limits, and there are still boundaries to be set when it's a family.

    M. Mm.

    Um. But there is a free choice in terms of whether you want to be part of it.

    Mm. Exactly.

    And you want to buy into it.


    So it's exciting to see where it's going and



    Mm. Very much so.

    Yes, very much so. So I'd like to round off with a comment that I think we've also talked a lot about. We don't want that when people come to our workshops or whatever that they look up to us and see us as something special. Erm,

    at the same time, there's the paradox that you come for help. Um, which must mean that we can give something. Erm, and we also find that many people actually really, really benefit from it.

    It doesn't make us better than you. I mean, we are equal beings who are at different places in our journey. And what we really want is to mirror empowerment back. So that's actually

    Yes. help help help you find it in facilitating the process when you want to

    facilitate the process and find out who you are so dig you help you to dig you out to mirror you back without us posing without us putting on you and putting words in your mouth

    sometimes when we work with you or with you or with you or whoever it is

    things come up where we keep saying no, we simply can't say that out loud, we keep saying no, you have to say that. But most of the time we keep our mouths shut about something because it's important that you get your own stuff in along the way.

    It's your system that makes you feel like travelling alone. I simply don't believe that. I couldn't walk it alone. M

    erm, sometimes it also requires someone else to hold on.


    hold a field and be and see you and feel you. Or also if you give permission to come in and work directly into your system so some things get put in place. Some old cables get pulled out. Some pipes are put in and some upgrades come in. M

    some things. Erm, come to consciousness and get integrated and so on. And that's really just what we do. Mm.

    When we're dealing with others.


    Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's not like a clairoyance or anything, where we sit and get input and then we just say it back. It's a co-creation between two consciousnesses, which is really you as a person being in your own system and feeling and receiving impulses about what's happening. Whether it's through bodily sensations, whether it's your emotions, whether it's through thought, whether it's all three or whether we have your servants or feel a frequency where we actually do it, but we're really just helping the process so that it can be allowed to unfold.

    Right. So sometimes we have to loop and send some things, mirror back some things that the person is close to discovering about themselves. But even then

    even then, you have to be aware of whether it resonates with them.

    Exactly. If it doesn't resonate, just let it go.

    Yes, let it go.

    Because it's your resonance that's crucial here. It's not what we say.

    No, it's not. No, it's not. Then don't put us on an arrow stalk. We can't. We don't want to. No, we don't.

    Erm. But we hope we can be of help to those we help.



    And we don't do it because we have to save someone. We do it because it's what we enjoy doing the most.

    Right, yeah. Mm-hm.

    That's it, that's where I feel that my interactions with other people are most meaningful. And I've found that my day has been most enriched here on earth. The scarce time my body, my body being is here, the soul is here, that's where I feel, I feel the most, I feel the most, I live myself out. Out there.


    That's why I'll probably do it more in the long run.

    Yes, that's right.

    So thank you for listening to this episode, so we'll round off about the journey of the soul and what else has been.

    Yeah, yeah, yeah. Mm.

    Yeah, yeah, yeah.

    Thank you for today. Hi, guys.

    Thank you for today. Hi, mate. Hi, mate.

Mette Miriam Sloth & Sune Sloth

Mette Miriam Sloth, specializing in relationships and emotional regulation, and Sune Sloth a trained coach with a background in social science, bring a blend of skills to their work at The Magdalene Effect.


Podcast E27: The Masculine Path to Opening the Heart


Podcast E25: Developing Discernment