The Call of the Soul in Relationships

The soul's frequency attracts authenticity and depth in relationships. We may find that we lose interest in superficial connections and seek partners and friends who can meet us on a deeper level. Often you discover that they are not there, and you are afraid to be alone in life because you feel that you no longer fit in with any of those you previously felt you had a close relationship with.

Responsibility and Boundaries

Soul consciousness leads to increased responsibility for our actions and an ability to set clear boundaries in relationships. This means being able to say no when something is not in alignment with our soul's path, and being honest about needs and boundaries without feeling shame or guilt.

Responsibility increases when you come into contact with your soul frequency. It can feel frustrating and like being a child resisting taking the next step, and you may feel anger towards the divine and reject your task. Suddenly you discover how you yourself may have contributed to problems in your own life, which you otherwise thought were only due to the outside world.

In other cases, you discover that you have participated in relationships and see all the red flags that you had previously overlooked or ignored. Suddenly it all becomes crystal clear, which can be very painful to realize. The next steps require courage and inner strength, but the more strength you get down into your body, the better you can handle these kinds of challenges. Consider one of our workshops.

When the soul frequency increases down into the body, we can turn away and reject the responsibility that comes with it, and insist on forgetting and ignoring the insights we gained, which reverses the process. We often see this, and there is a natural dance back and forth as we gain more awareness through the soul, and work with our maturity and stand in the resistance to the increased responsibility.

Polarity and Balance

The polarity between masculine and feminine energy is a dynamic in relationships, which we describe in detail elsewhere. When both parties are connected to their soul energy, they can create a special depth and connection without struggling to get needs met or fear of survival.

You can also choose to take the journey alone without a relationship, and there may be good reasons for that.

Mette Miriam Sloth & Sune Sloth

Mette Miriam Sloth, specializing in relationships and emotional regulation, and Sune Sloth a trained coach with a background in social science, bring a blend of skills to their work at The Magdalene Effect.


Soul Connection and Relationships